Christians censor monoliths, vandalizing property and tearing down monuments

How’s Francis going over? I know his papacy has really cheesed off some of my otherwise religiously-uninterested relatives.


Yep. These Y’alliban fuckwits are perpetrating some pretty ISIS-level shit, there, even if these metal doohickies don’t have anything like the cultural significance of some of the ancient stuff ISIS have demolished.


Yokels gonna yokel

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I don’t really know. I don’t move in those circles!


Yep, looks like a bunch of judicial nominees to me.

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Too little too late. Surveys from last decade showed nearly all practicing Catholics supported priests marrying, vast majority women priests, majority gay priests, marriage equality (60+% iirc). Hell even my old dad who’s practicing voted for women’s rights to access abortion because “what, if a priest rapes a girl, she has to carry his child?” The previous two popes killed catholicism as a living entity for most Catholics in Ireland. Even if it wasn’t seen at the time. The realisation of the cover ups and arrogance fatally undermined the authority the Catholic church had. How can they dictate morals and behaviour?

A lot of people like dressing up and stuff though. Which I get. I love ritual. Just not theirs.

Against that the media will platform the nuttiest and fringiest of fundamentalists because our media is hell bent on making the exact same mistakes that all western countries made. Catholicism as it actually is in this country (as it is in most countries: women’s reproductive rights, against homophobia etc.) Doesn’t get clicks like the fash do. So the fash get publicity.

Could all change though. Trans rights were spectacularly uncontroversial in Ireland (even if, fucking typically) we didn’t follow through with proper healthcare access and instead used the EU supported scheme to access healthcare in the UK which has now come round to be a problem given their court ruling. And there is an asteoturf campaign to make it an issue despite there having not been problems with the current regime of self certification. But I digress.


Well, monoliths are very phallic… That and a homophobic video, all the while journeying with only other guys (are there no hardcore female christians?)… Maybe some of these guys have “wide stances”.

One of the apocryphal texts went DEEP into detail about Jesus’ fondness for Reese’s Pieces, but it was cut because the early Protestants were big M&M fans.


So what you’re saying, is that Sinead was right…



About that. Poor choice in ex husbands though. Not the being ex part obviously.

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You know, strikes me that I don’t know her ex partner/s by name, but only through what she wrote about them in songs… Doesn’t she have several kids, too?

I love that woman, though. She basically spent her adult life being outspoken, facing loads of public criticism for it, but continuing to do so. She wears her imperfection like armor, which is always much tougher for women.


I like her new one!

She has children from different partners. The ex I was thinking of was John Waters (not the cool one, he is aware he has an arsehole name twin in Ireland). When they split he got custody of the children. Possibly related to her mental health issues, maybe misogyny/homophobia (I have a longish story which may be relevant). He then turned into an MRA, he had been a liberal journalist, and lost all his friends and then went down the rabbit hole and now has all the far right fuckwit traits.

Needless to say the most vocal Covidiot until he lost his Supreme Court case. He didn’t get costs which is really unusual in a constitutional case because it was dismissed as utterly frivolous and without merit. It’s the most scathing judgment I’ve ever read from them. A short version of that poor Canadian judges long takedown of Freeman on the land nonsense.


Ugh! Poor Sinead, having to share kids with that jerk. Of course, they are probably all grown now, but still.

Yeah, it’s a beautiful rendition of the song. She’s got an amazing voice.


More Christians died in the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in August-September 1572 than died in three hundred years of persecution by Roman pagans.


Albigensian crusades were brutal. A genocidal war against the Cathars, or good Christians as they called themselves. As an aside a microhistory of a Cathar town in Languedoc Montaillou is really interesting. I encountered it while studying social networks.

ETA: Montaillou: the promised land of error by Emmanuel leRoy Ladurie (I can’t spell in English so all bets are off on that).


Yes, they irritate the hell out of me, too. And there are a few in England now, too, dammit.
BTW, I one had a conversation with a South African Artist in Magillicuddys Reeks. He was painting the hills. He said “There are mountains in South Africa that are much bigger, but you have to travel miles to get anywhere near them. These ones here are right in your face! They’re great!”

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