Cigarette smoker appears surprised to be arrested

"I want to kill you with my disgusting habit"

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I did not feel you were doing so, merely offering my two cents FWIW and personal behavior as anecdotal evidence.


I do hope y’all personally would rather things didn’t work this way.

Absolutely. I detest the fact that cars are so necessary, and not just because of the pollution they cause. I detest the fact that, given they are necessary, electric alternatives aren’t more readily available (and affordable). I think we agree on this far more than we disagree. Nonetheless, when you talk about “everyone driving a petroleum fueled car” in the context of “them feeling entitled” doesn’t come across as a condemnation of the system. The most straightforward interpretation is as a condemnation of them individually for something that might not have been much of a choice for them. As I said, it’s a fine crusade you’re on. By all means, let’s try and get to the world where petroleum-burning vehicles are only in the history books, and where vehicles of any kind are less central to our way of living. Totally with you on that, but bad phrasing and bad timing don’t help get us there.


It wasn’t excessive, she wasn’t brown.

Seriously, what was the cop suppose to do? She refused to comply and then refused to go with him. Should he have let her finish her cigarette? Maybe watch the rest of the game and get her on the way out?

He was not using excessive force, he was trying to use the minimum.


Working on it!

My oldest electric vehicle was built in 1973; it’s a garden tractor. I will own a Tesla the minute it becomes affordable to me; I hope you will too.

Unfortunately there is no phrasing or timing that doesn’t condemn gas vehicle owners such as you and I. I believe we have to own it, if we really want to change it, and I can’t do that without acknowledging the hypocrisy of criticizing public tobacco smokers when we, personally, are pushing more toxic smoke into everyone’s lungs than smokers are. We kill more people than smokers. If that makes you uncomfortable, it probably means you are a basically good person.

Wangari Maathai said “Environmental justice is social justice”.


“refused to comply” - I don’t know what else happened before that video, but the whole thing was 28 seconds long. If getting dragged by the wrist through a stadium is necessary after that short of an amount of time, how critical is that space? Should they be letting anybody in there?

I can understand the police officer being frustrated, angry, or upset. She may have been acting like an absolute dillweed for a while beforehand. But there is no reason to assault somebody like that over words.


(raises hand) Cannabis vaper here. Also occasional cigar smoker. Also know many of both. We all respect other people’s airspace. I know you tagged not all vapers and I’m not trying to be argumentative. Just know that like any subculture, it’s open to both the courteous and assholes. When you’re not part of the subculture, it’s only natural to only notice the assholes, because the rest of us aren’t stepping on toes.


She was arrested for assaulting the people around her.

And he was fresh out of crossbow bolts…

Still, I favor the fire extinguisher defense…


I very much doubt I’ll buy a Tesla, for reasons that would take us even further off topic, but other electrics are at the top of my list. I drive a Mini now, and would gladly replace it with the plug-in hybrid version. I don’t think I’ve taken this car on any trips in the last few years that weren’t in pure electric range. Or I could get a Bolt, or go bigger, or upscale, there are plenty of options nowadays. Yay! But the fact is, as little as I drive nowadays, buying any new car would be worse for the environment than keeping the one I already have. A lot of people seem to overlook the environmental cost of producing these things. But more importantly, I think we need to reduce reliance on any non-human-powered form of transportation. Better zoning and urban design could reduce millions of vehicles’ worth of emissions, for example, and improve quality of life as well. Individual virtue contests are a tiny thing compared to changing the rules of the game.

But at least I don’t smoke, so there’s that.


I agree, the time seems too short. But, how long is enough time? I don’t

The cop was in an untenable position. Screwed no matter what he did.


If I am ever on Life Support;

Unplug me

Wait a couple of minutes

Plug me back in.

See if that works

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Now why didn’t the Wizard of Oz think of this one when the Cowardly Lion was looking for courage?

“Why you’ve had courage all along my boy. . . here, drink this.”


As a semi-former smoker, even when I was a pack a day smoker, I never would have been this rude to smoke so close to people. Fuck that woman. I hope she gets charged with resisting arrest, assault on an officer and a bunch of other trumped up charges.


Here is how I see it…vapers are like BMW drivers. Yes, I know not all vapers are jackwagons, just as not all BMW drivers are either…but it really seems like there is an inordinate amount that are.

I admit fully (yes sarcastically using the hashtag) that it is solely perception and most likely not reality. So, no I do not condemn all those that vape, but to your point I seriously notice the hell out of the jerk ones.

(as an aside…vapers who drive BMWs are clearly the devil’s children…we can all agree on that.) :slight_smile:


The only Beamer driver I know is a lovely person, but she doesn’t vape, so anecdotally I can’t contradict your intersectional analysis. :wink:


Fuck yeah, good for you! Yesterday was 3 years for me. :raised_hands:


I’d say that peace officer has a future with an airport police department.


You GO, @cleveremi! :muscle:


Um, nope. Literally anybody who has ever been a parent has dealt with somebody being less cooperative than this, and unless they are okay with domestic violence, hasn’t done what this cop did.

I can think of about 20 or 30 different ways this could have gone that wouldn’t involve dragging an elderly woman along a concrete floor by the wrist. Yes, I’m monday morning quarterbacking it, but it’s also not literally what I’m paid to do.


Not at all. Told her to stop. Gave her a chance. She shoves it in his face. He pulls cuffs and takes hold of her wrist, she resists. Time to go!


Sorry, but this is bullshit. Drunk smokers shoving lit cigarettes in cops’ faces and then who resist arrest don’t get a stern talking-to. The judge will handle the talking to, the cop will get the drunk smoking law-breaking privileged idiot out of the stadium.

I regularly post “fuck the police” posts on my Facebook feed, but this was FAR from over the line.