Claimed footage of cinemagoers' reaction to Darth Vader's "I am your father" line has another surprise

This seems as good a place as any to bring up my experience with Galaxy Quest, and the weird denialism around Sigourney’s F-bomb, which I distinctly heard at two different screenings, at two different theaters in Alabama, in 1999. It has since been claimed that there was never a theatrical release that contained the audio, and that what made it into theaters is what we see in the home video releases: Sigourney clearly mouthing the words “fuck that!” but ADR’ed audio saying “screw that!”

Why am I so adamant that the conventional wisdom is a lie, and that I’m not just misremembering? Because the joke was one of the best ones in the movie - the vehemence and incongruity of the unexpected F-bomb in a PG-13 movie brought the house down in the first screening - and in the second, I attended with someone who hadn’t seen it, and was eagerly awaiting their reaction to that moment, which was as I expected. My memories are not just of the line, but of all of the context surrounding it, and especially my disappointment when I bought the DVD as soon as it was released, only to find that it had been changed. So why is there no acknowledgement that the line was changed for home media, and wasn’t that way all along? Does anyone else remember this?