"Claudia," a 19-year-old selling nudes on Reddit is actually an AI creation

Lead singer Tiffany Aching?




You know I hate to ask
But are ‘friends’ electric?
Only mine’s broke down
And now I’ve no one to love

Tubeway Army (Gary Numan)


Wow… a Turing test for humans.


One thing that gets me is, this character is not actually realistic at all when compared to unfiltered photos. She’s only just passable when compared to photographs that have passed through a bunch of phone and app filters. So she’s an AI creation that’s managed to look like… an AI creation.
The only way she can fool people is by taking advantage of the current expectation that you’re already looking at a fictionalised version of a woman.


We mostly like real people though. And sometimes robots. And sometimes robot people.

I would say it’s more ethical to peruse computer-generated, with one major caveat. The reason it’s more ethical is that porn production is almost always exploitative and damaging to everyone involved, the women “stars” first and foremost. At least that’s my opinion of it. I know, there’s such a thing as “ethical porn”, but I think that represents a tiny sliver of porn and I still believe it’s damaging.

The caveat … all these images are based on training sets of many millions of real images of real people. Did these people consent to this type of usage, or are these just a bunch of images scraped from the net? I highly don’t suspect all the training images that went into this included clear consent for this usage.

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Has anyone read “rule 34”?

This feels like part of the plot.


…is pretty much the premise of this. When a human enters a Turing test…


Click here for delidding shots! RaRe nVidia-AMD hybrid bois. Interposer shots. Which HS should be closest to my heart? Don’t go eutectic on me now, liquid metal fans. Mature gaskets ahead! My passivation layers are all worn out. Flamin’ hot block farm comin’ at ya!


…or a woman with impetigo or chlamydia or all the things you luv to diagnose. Let me hear your strong, ‘NOPE!’


That sounds depressingly… necessary. :confused:

Also: “Digital Witch and the Supernumerary Nipples”


Not bad!

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The Singularity ™ is just going to be a big circle jerk of bots housed in some co-location facility in Las Vegas. The Turing Test will consist of showing it a cat photo.

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Welp… On one hand, no one seems to be exploited here except maybe the Reddit users. On the other hand, looks like AI really is taking jobs from humans. I think my biggest takeaway is this: If AI is used to generate sexy-time pictures of 18+ human beings, what’s to stop someone from using AI to make kiddy porn? And then what, realistically, could be done to deter such a thing from happening? Probably, not a whole lot.

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