Climate purge: Trump demands list of Department of Energy climate negotiators

Please stop making every discussion about me, FFS.

I never said that I “suppose” that they should do a specific thing, I asked some questions, so read and answer them, or don’t. What I wonder is why they not try every practical thing which could be done. Shouting from the rooftops is great for creating awareness, but it does not directly intervene in governments or industry where any practical difference can be made.

What difference does a social sanction like being banned, imprisoned, or killed make balanced against the survival of the planet?

As usual, my concern is not that people use my scheme. My concern is that people have a scheme. Social issues often involve there needing top be consensus, which is what I think discussion of such issues exists to facilitate. So how do we each get a feel for the issue, put forth our vote, and verify what this consensus is?

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You seem very concerned that persons craft something in a vein that you would approve of but always stop short of offering that actual solution.

Do you think the rest of us would not like a solution?

Of course we would! But this is a complex world we live in with few simplistic answers and a whole fuckton of roadblocks placed in the way of progress and protection of the world from those who would harm it.

And again, idiots have given free reign this election to the forces who wish to more rapidly destroy the earth and there is no immediate fix in the US for their looting and pillaging.


You are assuming here that governments and oil companies are going to actually abide by the Paris accords, and so far, there’s little evidence of that.

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That statement should be on constant background replay. trump thinks he’ll outsmart the Chinese [in anything] by force of orange willpower? Because of his refined “common sense”?

Russia just got its dream-slate of idiot/billionaire/petro-fascists elected in America, so they’re cool. China is undoubtedly chomping at the bit to start fucking with the US so as to bait Our New Emperor into doing Something Terribly Stupid via engorged hubris, narcissism, or incompetence (more likely a trifecta) while he’s also draining the USG swamp into his own checkbook. China gets all the Pacific Rim folks we’re about to cast off as we’re no longer reliable in any direction, and welcoming rambunctious/racist/xenophobic military types into the higher echelons of power is sure to have the military/industrial complex and Ares himself salivating.

Not to worry, though. I’m sure the sycophants and cowards in Congress will come running to the rescue of our American political norms, the integrity of the system at large despite any danger to their political or even personal reputation…(see image above)


I’m also non-neurotypical, as are a significant number of people on this forum. It’s not a license to troll. That would be offensive, to assume that a disability is a legitimate excuse for arguing in bad faith.


I did a small bit of that in voicemail to my electors, but I’m stealing some of your bits for the written letters I’m sending as well.

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Not yet, no. They’re not that smart. Once in office? All bets are off.

Appears the AIs are on the trumptrain. To paraphrase one of my favorite movies, ‘I hate to rain on your parade, maaan, but we’re all gonna die’…and then he tells another person to put a woman in charge…which would represent just about the perfect ending of the human race.

How do I “seem” this way? You are deliberately contradicting my position which I just stated. Since all you know about me is based upon interpreting what I say, why do you insist upon talking about me and to me me while disregarding what I say?

Asking a person “What is your system? What have you actually tried?” in no way resembles personal concern or approval.

You are not speaking for anyone else. This topic is a collective of otherwise separate individuals. Beyond that, I do not presume to “think” what anyone may or not like, all I am entitled to do is ask.

In any case, “liking” solutions does not create them. That seems to require discussion, consensus, and planning.

Stop derailing topics with personal remarks about me. It seems like a lame attempt at partisanship and group commiseration. Maybe establishing an ingroup/outgroup makes you feel like you are doing something, but I think that as a method it seems diversionary, divisive, and antisocial.

If I don’t drop into a topic and start making personal remarks about you, then afford me that same courtesy! If anybody needs to get personal with me, send a PM. The discussion topics here are not the place for it.


this should cheer you up no end then


Remember when the FBI under Bush started adding environmental groups to terrorist lists? Activists engaging in direct action could have some very immediate impact that might even last for a year or two. They’d also put environmentalists in the same category as radicalized Muslim jihadists, and would give Trump an excuse to increase his powers to deal with the thread, increasing his autocracy while reducing long term viability of environmentalism as a cause.

FWIW, it’s this kind of purism and false equivocation that got Trump elected and moved us from a governance making inadequate progress to a governance actively working to undo all past progress.


My problem with Mr. Sanders, and the system in general, is that he couldn’t run as a Socialist. Because that’s a filthy, dirty thing to be in the eyes of those who’ve been told it is.

Eugene Debs…anyone remember him?


There’s a perverse incentive around here here somewhere, but perhaps it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie and not investigate further.

Yup. Once ran for president form prison. One of Sander’s heroes, too!


so is:

is that really what they were telling you? Don’t you think you’ve speculated just a touch?


Well, enough people whose views I respect agree with you to cause me to withdraw my post.

Steal away! There were many more bits, too. It was a(n overly) long letter.

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That’s one heck of a strange inference there. I’ll let you try again though.

OK. I’ve had enough. I’m waiting for some decent programmer to design a “TRUMPFILTER” extension for my browser. It will scan my web pages and delete every article or picture with the word “trump” in it.

How hard can it be??? first one out there that actually works is gonna make a bundle!

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Actually, yes. That does the trick.

Like the porn filters that deleted the towns of Penistone, Fucking and Scunthorpe from the Internet? I see potential problems, including the complaint from the International Bridge Federation.

What I think you actually want is a filter that deletes Donald Trump from this reality*. But that’s a slippery slope. One that gets it right is the TeaAndKittens extension that prevents you from actually following a link to the Daily Mail or the Daily Express websites, but sadly there is no precise trumpequivalent - though I hope the author adds Breitbart to the list.

*And ideally substitutes the reality in which Warren beat Cruz, but that would involve miracles as well as tampering with the nature of the universe.