Clint Eastwood backs Mike Bloomberg

Today in “Which Billionaire Are Millionaires Voting For?”


Well, sure; there are many many reasons to dislike Bloomberg and distrust his actions. However, he also threw money at voter registration. I think it makes sense to criticise the bad things he does, embrace the good ones, and hope that the voters have the good sense to not vote for him in the primaries.

This would have prevented Ronald Reagan… [dips mentally into alternative timeline]


I get that. It’s not good that this is allowed, it’s not good that this is possible. But given the circumstances maybe you need to. Provided it is the across the board push to flip the government away from Trump and his enablers that it’s claimed it will be. Practically, some one with the means stepping up to do that could be good.

But Bloomberg’s run complicates that assumption. He’s explicitly running for a particular political faction and explicitly because progressives can’t be allowed to be nominated. Either cause they’re bad, or because they obviously can’t win. Depending on what day it is.

And his focus is pretty narrowly anti-Trump, he isn’t really connecting it to the Republicans. Trump isn’t the problem, Trump is the end result and you won’t be undoing this damage so long as the folks rubber stamping his shit remain in control.

I’d prefer not to celebrate good things, till we know they’re good.

Let’s say he succeeds in denying Trump re-election. But the approach gives the GOP control of congress. That doesn’t fix anything, and practically cuts the nuts out of attempts to do so. And I get the feeling that would be fine with Bloomberg.

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Have you ever wondered what David Duke’s 1988 campaign for the Democratic Nomination for President would have looked like if he had $200 million to spend? Bloomberg 2020


I agree 100%. If Bloomie manages to be the candidate nominally representing the Democratic center then I’ll be pretty disappointed with the electorate. (Again.) If he doesn’t, hopefully he will continue to put money in this direction…and if he does, he should get at least a little credit for that.

If Bloomberg is actually determined to get Trump out of office, I’m hoping he doesn’t do this since this is exactly the kind of shit that will keep him there.

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Yeah I’m very much wait and see. I just spent too much time with Bloomberg as my mayor to give him the benefit of the doubt. He’s targeting his campaign at the same wealthy business class he focused on benefiting while running NYC. I’d expect his money is meant to do the same.

Also it would not surprise me if he took his ball and went home after his bid peters out. I do not think whatever support he’s managed to buy is particularly durable. He’s a smug asshole and he’s prone to checking out when he doesn’t get the applause he thinks he deserves.

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