Clinton's data-driven "ground game" sucked in exactly the same way "targeted ads" suck, for the same reason

Not only that his courting of superdelegates was not a groundswell of people, it was a very data driven strategy and (supposedly***) he said he could swing Georgia.

***I cannot express how little this is confirmed, it comes from my heavy news consumption before I tried to look into this deeper.

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He’s not nearly as unpopular as George W Bush, but he’s not as popular as… George W Bush. His popularity is statistically unremarkable, and I think it always has been. He’s no Truman, but he’s no Eisenhower either.


Edit: This response is comparing overall voter turnout %, not party-specific, so it doesn’t actually address the question I replied to. Oops. Still kind of related to discussion about low/high voter turnout, so I’ll leave it.

As a percentage of eligible voters, this year’s voter turnout looks normal for any election in the last 100 years. There were a few times it was over 60%: during WWI, just before WWII, during the 1950s and 1960s (McCarthy Era, Space Race, Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy), and 2004, 2008. Otherwise it has been in the 50%s, so the 55.6% estimate seems about right. The 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s were all lower with the exception of 1992 (Clinton).

I found a graph somewhere else before, but can’t find it now. Data from US Elections Project - national-1789-present looks the same as what I remember though.


Let’s face it Hillary believed her own coronation mythos and considered any one who supported Bernie’ loosers and “dreamers” who didn’t understand the system(did I see feckless loosers in one of the emails?)
The email dump made it quite clear Hillary was planning to flip on every “concession” she made to Sanders supporters the second she became queen em, er I mean president.
More than anything hubris not poor data science lost this election. Hillary’s supporters are already casting about for appropriate scapegoats.


Why are you telling us this as if anyone cares.

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Texas is still counting the votes because Democrats might be taking a seat in congress from a GOP incumbent in Texas. Clinton outperformed 2008 Obama in Texas. Texas is not a state you can comfortably say is always going to stay red anymore, and Texas controls a good deal of the information presented in public schools.

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Sure, but this is less about individuals like HRC and more about systems of power. Trump is just as much a part of that as HRC…


Trilateral Commission? Illuminati? The Slitheen?


The millenials came out, the white folk didn’t.

The millenials came out, the white folk didn’t.

Not sure I understand. The white folk came out – they’re who elected Trump.


I don’t get the white vote comment, but the youth voted for Trump. He had a decent gain in people under 30.

Millenials came out and voted for HRC. White people, at large, came out and voted for trump. It wasn’t the youth vote that did HRC in. It was white people.

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This is a big split.

Under 30 voted Trump. Older Millenials voted HRC.

Trump made gains with all racial groups - the ones that voted anyways.


No, see, you are ONLY supposed to vote for the awful, shitty candidates they bestow upon us. You have no choice!

Now that they’ve all proved themselves so laughably inept and overconfident, all the Team Blue supporters want to yell at you from their soapboxes for being racist/uneducated/misogynistic. They’ll also quickly rediscover their desire for a presidency with checks and balances and Constitutional restraints.


Sad but true. All the people in every discussion blaming voters on the basis of their skin/gender/education/3rd party votes/ etc. So enlightened!

It’s the Bizarro-world version of all the Team Red idiots who bitched about birth certificates, PC-driven candidates, etc. etc. Trump is an egomaniac blowhard, but if screaming in someone’s face, disparaging their background and calling them names is your go-to strategy, you’re just as repulsive as the people you’re railing against.


It’s not wrong.

France rules that calling using the term ‘homophobe’ to describe homophobic groups is defamatory

It could happen here.



White people under 30. white men under 30. Some women, but mostly white men under 30.

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That’s very true, but he had gains across minority groups over 30 and young Democrats didn’t show up.

And independents really didn’t show up.