Clinton's data-driven "ground game" sucked in exactly the same way "targeted ads" suck, for the same reason

It is wrong. I agonized over my vote for months, and voted Clinton because I felt I had to. I’m already regretting my decision.

Clinton is an out of touch neoliberal elitist who shat all over progressives, Millennials, the middle class, the Rust Belt, and basically everyone who isn’t a limousine liberal. Her policies make no waves. She is a polished politician, the adult in the room, and doesn’t see why any of that is a bad thing.

Trump is an angry populist who knows how to work a crowd, and talks a big game about making America great again and keeping us safe from the other.

Plug those parameters into the equation: a competent, establishment status-quo political elite vs a fiery populist nativist gadfly. Who will win every time? Hint: It’s not the politician.

If you don’t see it, then you never will see it, and you deserve Trump.


You mean, in the primary?


Fuck no. I voted Sanders in the primary because I don’t want to fuck over the country. Then I voted Clinton in the general because she was all that was left between us and Trump, and the downturn in the polls meant I pretty much had to vote for her.

Clinton does not represent anything I stand for, and it looks like I’m not alone in thinking that. Anyone who voted Clinton in the primaries can just shut the fuck up and enjoy President Trump whom they elected.


Stop saying Trump is a populist, that would require him to get enough voters to overcome a low Democratic vote and not immediately turn to the banks for a Secretary of Treasury. Trump is old money pretending he has some connection to the common man, much like Bush Jr.

And Obama was never a true populist either, he cared deeply about social issues but even then had to be brought up to speed - and his record shows he was always as much a neoliberal Democrat as Clinton despite having a more recent grass roots connection.


So, failed populist? Mediocre populist? Populist-wannabe? I’m fine with any and all of these.

Oh, I thought you said it was all those Democrats in the Rust Belt jumping ship and joining Trump? So which is it?

He’s not old money, just inherited money, but that’s a minor nitpick. Otherwise I agree that he’s faking this populist act. Still, a fake populist is more appealing than someone who openly shows contempt for her own voters.

No argument here, which is why I voted against him from Ohio.

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Populist enough.


We had that discussion yesterday, it was both. It also has nothing to do with Trump still losing the popular vote since he only won over the rust belt. Good on you for still trying to be right over anything else.

And how is Trump not old money? His family has a pretty lengthy history of wealth spanning the Atlantic even if he isn’t the absolute most wealthy person her could be.

But whatever, be really mad about whatever you continue to mad about since the presidency wasn’t stolen from anyone and the guy your neighbors elected just made things worse for everyone but the elites their vote tries to stick it to. Even Bernie knew the best path forward was through the inside.


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