Clitter is glitter of sparkly vulvas, boobs and ovaries

But… But…

They quote Teen Vogue!

I must confess that I don’t know my ladymags. The only one I read semi regularly is “The Cut”, and that’s because a siren entraps foolhardy men who stay too far from “The Daily Intelligencer”. Please, I’m begging you, Andrew Sullivan, save my masculinity!

It’s like sex on the beach. It looks good on paper, but the reality is more like sand paper.


Maybe there are people out there celebrating dicks because they really enjoy dicks? Just a thought. However, why not have vulvas as well. Those little things sure hold some fun as well.

Maybe it was the puns, but too often it is the penes that come first.

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No one loves vagina-themed party decorations more than me. Heck, some of my best friends have vaginas, so you certainly couldn’t call me sexist. But dang, glitter is bad. Couldn’t they have vagina cocktail napkins or paper hats or something instead? These shiny plastics never go away.

Just so we’re clear, this is totally about plastics being bad, and not a sneaky attempt to maintain the patriarchy.

Why? Do you work in marketing?

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