CNN's anti-abortion reporter gets crushed when her nonsense is challenged

Shh! Don’t tell them they were Jews.


Also don’t tell them that Jesus was a Pharisee who believed that they weren’t doing enough to help people.


What I don’t want to get lost, here, in the urge to count dunks: he’s doing a phenomenal job of communicating, clearly, exactly what the problem is and where the argument is deliberately avoiding addressing the reality of the situation.
This isn’t some clever, rhetorical flourish; it’s a systematic, thoughtful rebuttal that stands on the merits of the argument. He’s not being cute, here.


I’m surprised CNN has a whole desk devoted to covering “anti-abortions” and I both do and do not want to know what the procedure entails and how many are performed every year :face_with_spiral_eyes:


There is some seriously ahem fucked up bullshit in the idea that sex should be only for reproduction. Birth control means we can enjoy having our bodies together simply for pleasure, which a minority seem to think is immoral and wrong. I don’t want to be able to understand that “thinking,” which I find immoral, wrong, and frankly very hateful.

Maybe those creatures are such rotten lovers, they’ve only had sex as many times as the number of their children.

[The really weird thing of somehow gaining more pleasure from something because your party has made it a crime scrambles my brain. I’m empathic AF, with gen’lly pretty keen insight into my fellow humans, but I ain’t comprehendin’ that one none. Nope.]

The terrifying desire for punishing victims of abuse is passing understanding, thoroughly illogical, and so senselessly cruel it makes my heart and ovaries just ache.

Hearing from both sides is less than worthless when one side does nothing but indulge in such heinous lies they should be slapped hard across the face. Any media group that actually hires those liars, such as cnn’s done with this a-lice and rick sanatorium, raises all kindsa warning flags.

cnn really does my head in: they’ll do a fantastic job of investigating and exposing awful crap, but then feature supporters of said awful crap, or shift the topic to liars lying about some other (real or imagined) enormity.

And what’s this I hear re: their big boss telling 'em they aren’t allowed to use the phrase “the big lie”?! That jerk needs its shins (and maybe some softer bits, too) kicked. Has he confused cnn with faux “news,” and he’s gonna tell them what to do and say and report on?!

Truth is all that really matters, but in this wrong ass world at the moment only ratings and $ matter, and they’re convinced making sane viewers wanna kill their tvs is the only way to get them.


Like fuck it ain’t. FFS, that is ALL it is about. SMH They don’t really care about so-called sin, or they’d treat their fellow beings with far more kindness. The unbelievably radical garbage so many of those christianists spew shouldn’t be mainstream, it should be classed as hate speech.



Good point. It has all the viciousness of a typical right-wing counter-argument with none of the shoddy HS debate club tricks or empty “gotchas” that crowd relies on. Just facts and logic rapid-fired in the face of a fascist apologist who can’t keep up. This is one Dem who understands how to be a fighting liberal.


I’d argue that their views on white women feed into that, as their views are highly informed by eugenics thinking. A good deal of white evangelicals buy into the white replacement conspiracy theory.

It’s depressing how powerful hate can be, especially when paired with a religion that supposedly teaches love.

I think that Engles’ noted that in his work, that the first form of oppression was man over woman.

But they also often believe in those things, too.


Or she goes to get an abortion and covers it up. I’ll bet there’s a whole lot more inconvenient kids in fundamentalist communities in the next few years.
Or more likely, more murdered women.


Agreed. Alito stated as much.


Pure speculation here: Could it be deliberate?

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The very fact so many on the left continue to refer to Republicans as the “GOP” is further evidence of this. There’s nothing “grand” about these fascists.


They’ve got the “old” part down pat, tho! (Sigh)


That’s a valid point. I wonder though if there’s a shade of difference. “The GOP” has been a nickname of the Republican party for generations. I speculate that most people, even Republicans, don’t know that it means “Grand Old Party.” I confess this may be hair-splitting. A good thing about the term “The GOP” is that it invited being turned into “The GQP.” I’d like to see that moniker gain wider circulation.


I use it often, and mentally substitute “Goopy Old Patricians” when I do.


I’ve seen a lot of references to GQP instead.


It is a rather archaic term. By now it takes several thousand grand, if not millions, before they will consider you as a person.


“Pregnant women in the United States die by homicide more often than they die of pregnancy-related causes — and they’re frequently killed by a partner” … Homicide is a top cause of maternal death in the United States

Anecdotally, I’ve heard from friends who are front-line healthcare workers that assaults on and suicide attempts by pregnant people are already on the rise. The term “pro-life” makes me want to vomit because I have a strong idea of how many people this is going to kill.


Depending on your skin color, all the money in the world will at best ensure you’re only tolerated, at best. Most likely you’ll just be used as someone else’s prop.


Not to mention the how “pro-life” people are almost always (and without any awareness to the irony) “pro-death penalty”. Or, how “pro-life” activists can be so logically inconsistent to believe that it’s justifiable to bomb a women’s clinic in order to “save lives” just boggles my mind.


Because their justification is that they are doing “god’s work”, they feel anything that promotes their idea of what god wants is ok. See also the Crusades, where all kinds of shady dealings were done, along with wholesale slaughter.