CNN's Don Lemon suggests women being orally raped “use their teeth”

Thank you for that clarification. Yes, you are absolutely right. The comment should never have been made in the first place and I am in no way saying that that was okay for him to say.

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Holy. Shit. Your penis has nothing to do with this discussion at ALL.

From my perspective, and most probably his, unless the man had a gun to my head or a knife to my throat,

This. Is. Not. About. You. And you have no idea how you would actually react in a situation like this. None. You can come up with all the wild hypotheticals and claim you’re much more of a logical badass than this woman who didn’t try to bite off his penis all fucking day, but that doesn’t mean jack fucking shit, because you’ve never actually been in this sort of situation. As someone who has? You have NO idea how you’re going to react until it happens. There are WAY too many variables to even have an inkling. Unless you are a trained soldier or officer of some sort and trained to react to high-stress situations, you just don’t know. So stop acting as if you do, and for fuck’s sake, stop talking about your penis!

And the best part about your drivel is that you YET AGAIN move the goal posts, and totally ignore the link that shows that when a woman did try to bite off her rapist’s penis, she was stabbed. How surprising.


I was being sarcastic back, sorry, hahaha. I agree with you 100%. Thank you for having my back! It’s appreciated. :smile:

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Also, she’s suddenly your lady, and needs to settle dad, and chill the f out, amiright.

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Yes, you’re right that I don’t know how I would act in that situation. And I am approaching this from a logical perspective rather than an instinctual or reactionary perspective. It helps that you made this point, since I think that many people, including this anchor apparently, don’t think about it in that respect. My points are not so much based on how she should have reacted (which you are correct, is useless and insulting to speculate on) but are based on what could be done if it does happen. But her reaction was valid and appropriate as is for anyone in that situation since it is an intensely personal one.

Thank you Mr. Burns. The hounds have arrived.

But you are totally saying that from your perspective, if you were in her place, you would have totally bitten his penis off (“there would be a bloody stump”) because obviously, you’re the better victim, and a bad ass, and shame on her, why didn’t she try to bite his penis off like I would have?

Projecting your opinions on how you think you’d react in the place of a REAL LIVE RAPE VICTIM is not okay. But considering how freakin’ long you went on and on and on over and over and over again about how much it hurts when you get kicked in the nuts or in the penis and how you would react to a rape … well, I’m not surprised that you think it’s okay to project yourself on to a rape victim and how that victim reacted or speaks about their rape.


I don’t know how I would act in that situation.

Followed by…

And I am approaching this from a logical perspective rather than an instinctual or reactionary perspective.

These things don’t compute. They contradict each other. You are NOT approaching this from a “logical perspective”. At all. The fact that you think you are is absolutely hysterical (in a non-hah-hah sort of way). Why do you think your completely unsupported opinion is the “logical perspective” while women, and actual rape victims, who are telling you it’s not, are being “instinctual” or “reactionary”?!?!

Are you fucking KIDDING ME?

Oh yes, of course, I forgot. You’re a man. Of course your unsupported opinions about the rape of women are totally and unequivocally “logical” and I’m just being “instinctual” and “reactionary”.

Of fucking course.

And you STILL continue to ignore the link that tells of a woman getting stabbed after she attempted to bite off the penis of a rapist. Yet you’re still totally coming from a “logical perspective.” TOTALLY.

Your “logical perspectives” are so full of sexist dog whistles it’s surprising that a pack of wolves hasn’t attacked your junk yet. Maybe then you’d actually know what it’s like to have your penis bitten off!


Maybe you should stop digging.


I’m getting a little tired of your ridiculous “men don’t have any right to comment on rape” bullshit perspective. Men get raped. Maybe some of us don’t like going on public discussion boards to throw around such personal experiences as ammo to win arguments. I’m done here.

“men don’t have any right to comment on rape” bullshit perspective

I never said that, nor implied it. I am talking to you, and I am talking about Don Lemon. Also, now I’m “ridiculous”! I’ve yet to call you a name, but here you are, calling me yet another name and attempting to belittle me (not that that is possible, so keep tryin’, bub).

This isn’t about winning arguments. This is about a woman who was drugged and raped. This is about several people, including you (and women do it too, before you #NotAllMen me – obviously I have to include these obvious disclaimers, because you’re not bright enough to handle nuanced, adult discussions**).

(**A guy friend of mine recently went on a date with a young woman who seriously said that r/redpill is one of her favorite subreddits, no irony, oh my god. Breaks my heart when that happens.)

Men get raped.

No shit, sherlock! This is just straight-up manipulation.

You continue to move the goal posts, and continue to ignore the link I’ve mentioned YET AGAIN. Not a word from you about that, interestingly, but not surprisingly.

ETA: And I’m done with discussing this with you too, for that matter, so hopefully you stick with your flounce (yes, I am flouncing, too, at least from a discussion with YOU).


The vast majority of sexual assault is done by known associates, not scary strangers in an alley. Which means they know you. They have power over you both before and after the crime, not just during. They might threaten your children, or your job. (In fact, in this particular case it WAS her job on the line.) So even if you aren’t killed at the time as a result of fighting back in some way, retribution by the rapist can have many other forms.

I guess the most important thing for some people is that a woman not lose her “honor”. If she happens to lose her life, or her livelihood, or her children as a result…hey, at least she’s still honorable, amiright?


Mod note: Stay on topic. Time-outs have already been given.

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Yeah, no, that’s a response to testicular pain. Damage to the shaft of the penis hurts a lot, but not in the specifically transcendent and nauseating way that getting kicked in the nuts does.


My reply to this was deleted somehow in the purge of some posts, but (as other people here have said) people complain about being kicked in the balls, not about being kicked in the penis.

People have had their dicks cut off while asleep or passed out and not woken up. People have cut off their own dicks. And it’s also true that some people like to get kicked or stomped in the balls, and don’t pass out or vomit from it. And lots of people go into shock immediately after they lose a limb, and feel less pain than they do from superficial injuries. So I don’t agree that having your penis bitten off is necessarily more painful than being kicked in the balls, and your “I was once kicked in the balls and I couldn’t function properly, therefore it’s impossible that anyone else could hurt another person if their dicks was bitten off” argument isn’t very compelling.


According to reports in the Jamaica Star, evidence was presented in court that the rapist forced a woman to have oral sex with him, when she then bit him on his penis, almost severing it. He then stabbed her several times.


According to Wikipedia, Don Lemon was the victim of sexual abuse as a child.

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Translation: Don Lemon suggests rape victims ask rapist to murder them.

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So if they let him go will hey have a going away party? Ain’t no party like a Lemon party.


That was so unexpected and funny I’m going to consider it a random act of kindness.

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