Coen Brothers reuniting on mystery film project after five years working apart

What did those old guys like Euripides know anyway? A modern script doctor would fix their scripts proper.

Inside Llewyn David? Blasphemer! That’s unfortunately so very very grim but it’s a better realised reminisce on the 60s Greenwich village folk scene than A Mighty Wind while being the saddest comedy of a doomed nebbish who deserves his misfortune. Basically a Coen brothers staple but ratcheted up to the max.

Growing up and learning to love cinema it felt like every year there would be either a new Coen brothers or a new Almadovar and everyone I knew would be excited by both. They are giants from my perspective.


I think a lot of their movies are “Love it or hate it.” I do usually appreciate that they’re at least always striving to avoid lazy Hollywood formulas and cliches.


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