Coffee chain ditching cups in 2020, customers must "rent" or bring their own


For what it’s worth, Blue Bottle is mostly known for the high quality of their beans, used in pour-overs and cold brew.


That’s true, although seemingly small steps do matter.

This year my country banned(?^) single use plastic shopping bags. Contrary to popular belief the sky did not fall, cats did not lie with dogs, and the world did not end. Instead everyone^^ kinda shrugged “huh, that was actually pretty easy” and got on with their lives. And, as a direct consequence, the conversation has moved on and now we’re talking about what else we can get rid of. Now, you could rationally argue that even if we completely banned all plastic use here it wouldn’t make a jot of difference on the global scale because China and America. And you’d be right. Except that our lives will be better locally regardless^^^, and examples matter. Really; getting rid of this shit just isn’t that hard.

Relatedly, and more relevant to TFA, on a recent trip I was at a farmers market recently. As you’d expect there were a bunch of coffee caravans about the place. What was unexpected was the central ‘cup library’, where they had a bunch of ceramic cups you could borrow, have your coffee in, and return. Also also, where I live more and more cafes are accepting any old cup you choose to bring in. Want to have your long black in that favourite cup that the kids made for you at school? Fine, bring it in and we’ll fill it up.

^ I’m actually not sure if they’re banned banned, or if there’s just a broad and uniform agreement to stop using them.
^^ Well … almost everyone. As always there’s a bunch of boomers crying about the lost never-vana of the 1950s and 60s when men were men and the women carried the groceries home from the store double-bagged.
^^^ is there anyone who enjoys peeling that damn sticker off an apple before you eat it?


At least in the states those stickers are required to be food grade so you can just eat them if you want. Back when we had CRT monitors I used them for decorations.


And is there anyone who enjoys eating that $#@%& sticker?

I’ve seen claims that the stickers are biodegradable and so environmentally okay. Since I routinely pick years-old stickers out of the compost that look like new, I call bullshit.


Simply changing the mindset of people is a good start.


Well I enjoy messing with the normals heads by eating it in front of them. Otherwise not so much.


agreed. and if we are talking about dramatic steps people can take that might actually have an effect. stop eating cows so their population dwindles. they make up an absurdly large amount of the problem. and stop using the products of traditional industrial agriculture - which also makes up a huge part of the problem.

Animal agriculture is responsible for 1318% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions globally, and less in developed countries (e.g. 3% in the USA). Fossil fuel combustion for energy and transportation is responsible for approximately 64% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions globally, and more in developed countries (e.g. 80% in the USA).

so - for the US - animal ag is 3% - fossil fuels are 80%.


Maybe for some, but I know people who will go out of their way - driving 20 minutes each way - to visit a Starbucks rather than make coffee at home. This is likely even more true of Blue Bottle (whose coffee is actually pretty good and tastes like coffee rather than ashes).

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I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t want to have to think ahead for every single thing in my life.

Well, what Blue Bottle is proposing is that you’d show up, buy a coffee to go, and they’ll give it to you in a reusable mug with a deposit added, and you can return it the next time you visit to get your deposit back.


Thanks agreed sounds right. Note - my comparison had been Ag to paper cups (ie - the article). Obviously the fossil fuel industry is number 1 by a long shot.

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So I might not have to think ahead the first time, but then I have to remember to have the mug with me on the next visit or I collect a second one? Maybe I don’t want to have to carry around a dirty coffee mug on the off-chance I’ll return to a matching coffee shop.

Now that supermarkets only sell thicker, “reusable”, plastic carry bags instead of the ultra-thin single-use ones, I must be throwing away 10 times more plastic simply because the logistics of getting everything done in my life isn’t hugely compatible with permanently carrying around a set of containers for all occasions.

Or – crazy idea – you can do what most people do, and keep your reusable mug and reusable bags at home (or in the car) and take them to the coffeeshop/store as needed.

Plastic bags were banned in my neighborhood a few years ago, and it’s been incredibly easy to adapt to. Going to the store? Grab a bag in the kitchen. Or take one from the trunk of the car.

If you’re throwing away reusable bags because you can’t figure them out, you’re definitely doing it wrong.




Mouth? Even more direct to hoop it. Of boof it, as the kids say today. Even CharBucks is palatable taking the reverse route.

I kid. I love StarBucks. It’s coffee.

Christ we’re assholes!

nestle evil About 3,400,000 results (0.45 seconds)
starbucks evil About 13,500,000 results (0.48 seconds)


starbucks isn’t very good coffee so totally agreed!