Coffee expert debunks Huberman's coffee regimen

Originally published at: Coffee expert debunks Huberman's coffee regimen - Boing Boing


Meh, different strokes. I think whatever morning routine a person settles into works because it’s the one they’ve settled into. :person_shrugging:


Yeah, that and tolerance.

My parents would let us kids have a glass of Coke before we brushed our teeth and went to bed. I can now drink a cup of coffee before bed and sleep like a log.

How quickly does caffeine metabolize, anyway?

Btw: a friend recommended his podcast to me. I tried to listen, but it was so full of bullshit jargon, ads, and goop-bro woo I couldn’t make it past 30 minutes of the two hour (wtf!?) episode. On a subject that actually interested me. :man_facepalming:


Right? I listen to them on Spotify, and the constant ads piss me off. I’m ALREADY PAYING for the podcasts!


Huberman had some solid papers. It is a real shame how far he’s gone into quack and shill nonsense

It varies a lot between people. The half-life can be anywhere from about 2 to 10 hours, and the secondary metabolites which can last longer affect people differently. When I was in my 20s I’d drink coffee all day and fall asleep with a cup in my hand at night. In my 40s, I can’t sleep 5 hours after a cup.


Huberman commented/replied to the video debunking him with a “you got it wrong” type of response that doesn’t really address what is being debunked and what he was claiming. Even if James got some things wrong in his testing his last words are pertinent, anyone that is making a simple claim that can totally change things for you is underestimating how complicated our bodies are. And it is either wrong, lying by omission or just straight up lying.


All I need to know to never look at his shit


You can pretty much stop paying attention right there.





The headline reads like “Coffee media star takes down Stanford scientist also media star.” Take away “media star” from both sides and you get “Coffee takes down Stanford scientist”. And that is sorta right because I am unfollowing Huberman. I unfollowed Hoffman ages ago.

The best prevention and fix for afternoon crash is lots and lots of water. And maybe a stroll.


But will Hames Joffmann rebunk?

My mind went

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Yeah, but NDT has been a guest on Rogen’s show multiple times.

Huberman’s response didn’t surprise me in the least. “Nope, taken out of context, namaste bro.” The same response from every pseudoscience health bro on the internet when called out. I stopped taking Huberman seriously a looong time ago.

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I have friends who drink ridiculous amounts of coffee. One guy told me he sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night, brews and drinks a cup, then goes back to bed (and sleeps fine.)

I can’t even drain my cold brew at night because handling the big mesh bag full of grinds apparently causes me to absorb some caffeine through my skin and I get no sleep.


I’ve never heard of this bro, and i’m saddened i now have a small amount of awareness of him. I hope forget about him sooner than later.


I can drink a large cup of strong coffee and fall asleep. This may be because of the analgesic effects of caffeine and theobromine that reduce tendonitis symptoms and muscle/joint pain.


The stronger the better?


And NDT deserves extra scrutiny considering all of the sexual misconduct allegations against him.

I can still fall asleep right after drinking coffee, but as I get older I find it affects the quality of my sleep more and more.

Then again, I also spent many years misdiagnosed with a sleep disorder and also had terrible sleep quality due to breathing issues until just last year, so that probably masked any effects of coffee until recently.