Colorado promotes drunken cop to detective

Originally published at: Colorado promotes drunken cop to detective | Boing Boing

In spite of the mishandling of the case back in 2019, in all fairness, this cop did take responsibility for his actions, accepted a suspension and demotion and spent the last several years in rehab. He also speaks to incoming recruits about his story and met all the defined criteria for promotion. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Interim Aurora Police Chief Art Acevedo said when he learned of the pending promotion and Meier’s history, “I did bring him in and spoke with him. I actually had him come in and we had a very frank conversation.”

Acevedo said he spoke to Meier about future expectations.

“To his credit, he’s owned it and turned his life around,” he said.

Meier shares his story with police cadets and other employee groups, in an attempt to help them avoid what happened to him, according to Acevedo. He went on to say what happened to Meier “saved his life. When you look at the level of intoxication he could have lost his life.”

Acevedo pointed out the promotional process was competitive and Meier followed the civil service rules.


“For my- for my- for my first case: who drank all my beer? burp Ah ha! A clue!”

While I definitely agree that everyone deserves a second chance, it sounds like he got that already by getting demoted and not losing his 100K a year job? I am fine with him getting a raise too, I am just not sure that he should be enforcing laws - maybe pay him equally well to continue educating and training people about his fuck up?


the Aurora Police Department values protecting its own over protecting the community they are sworn to serve

To be fair, when has any police department shown otherwise? Even when cops face some consequences, it’s always after a reflexive but failed attempt to protect them from accountability.


All you people complaining about this, and making a big deal over who was blackout drunk and what time, blahbedy blahbedy blah, apparently didn’t look at the article and video @anon81034786 linked. If you had, you would have seen this:

Interim Aurora Police Chief Art Acevedo said when he learned of the pending promotion and Meier’s history, “I did bring him in and spoke with him. I actually had him come in and we had a very frank conversation.”

See! A frank conversation.

Acevedo said he spoke to Meier about future expectations.
“To his credit, he’s owned it and turned his life around,” he said.

and that

“The planets aligned and he was saved! Criminally, administratively. And I believe that it saved it life.”

Obviously, this is a joyous story of redemption!

/s Poe.


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