Comedy Club Starts Using Phone Lock Up Bags

Define “good.” I’m starting to believe it’s just a myth that we tell ourselves to get by.

Yes, it’s a vague principle which many people think extends far beyond the range that it actually does.


You’re right.

The First Amendment explains the part of “Freedom of Speech” that is constitutionally protected in the US. Most people who start yelling about First Amendment rights, really don’t understand their First Amendment rights.

I’m just trying to make the small point that when someone in Thailand or China or Winnipeg talks about “Freedom of speech”, nobody explains to them that the concept of “freedom of speech” is only what’s defined and protected by the US Constitution.

And when this club owner said it was a free expression issue for Louis CK to get stage-time, he didn’t mean the anything about the US government either.

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The club owner sounds like an asshole who’s just making excuses for his poor choices, frankly.


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