Oh, I see… you’re still writing code by using old fashioned text editor stuff to create dead files. How… quaint. You know we got past that stuff about 40 years ago, right?
Smalltalk. It’s what’s for programming.
Are you sure you’re not thinking about variable width fonts? Everybody codes in monospace because otherwise lining up code blocks is a huge pain in the ass.
Well, I’ve only been doing it for 38 years, but yeah, I’m resonably sure.
You don’t actually have to have every character line up like a bad simulation of punched cards any more.
Today’s tee, chosen before reading this, says Old School under a Hollerith punch card. I trained in COBOL (80-column lines) and programed with SWYLBUR. I like columnar code blocks.
No, you don’t have to, but some of us (and I’m going to venture most of us) prefer it that way.
But hey, whatever works for you. Choice of tools is a personal thing and shouldn’t be imposed (or at least should only be imposed to the extent necessary to collaborate with one’s coworkers).
That sums up 99% of enterprise development, though.
This project makes me want to make scratch Sr, a flip side of Scratch Jr, where you write complex OOP code, but with snap-together literal objects (not object literals…). Honestly, with all the interfacing and argument typing, it would probably end up looking like a biochem diagram or early levels of Spore…
Hear, Hear.
I even type up my meeting notes in mono-spaced fonts. Otherwise, it just looks like so much blathering and chaos to me.
If you’ll excuse me, I have to go armwrestle a colleague over white space characters.
Actually, Scratch doesn’t really do OOP programming, but more ‘Actor based’ programming. The original version was written in Smalltalk (which is the system I took the screenshot above from) and I spent a lot of time improving it for run ncely on the Rasperry Pi. Later versions were, for some unaccountable reason, writtend in Flash of all things. Oh and the latest version is some sort of html5/js concoction.
But it does do properly spaced proportional fonts. As does any vaguely acceptable programming system.
Did someone say WYLBUR? Oh, man, I would love a rectangular block select in a modern text editor!
You are awesome! Thank you!
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