COMING SOON: Attack of the 14 Year Old Black Girl

Yep you figured it out with a minuscule amount of work… btw been on the internet since 1993 and I’ve only been called a troll once before. Great job sherlock.

Nevermind that the officer fears for his life; that would never affect someones statements after the fact.

I don’t know. That 14 year old looked pretty scary. I mean, she must have weighed at least 100 lbs if she was still wet from the pool. I’m surprised they didn’t have six or seven cops sit on her for 15 minutes to keep her from rampaging the city.

I remember as a kid having a pool in our condo complex that teenagers would crash occasionally. If you had asked me if it would be appropriate for 8 fully armed police officers to come and chase them out with their guns drawn, I would have assumed you must have lived in a terribly oppressive country as a child.

One police officer. That’s all it takes. One. No guns drawn. Hell, leave your gun in the car. Just walk in, ask those who aren’t supposed to be there to leave (who the fuck wants to stay at a pool with an old police officer staring at them anyway?). If they say no then maybe you call for another one. More likely, you ask them for their names and call their fucking parents.


This started with him telling the girl to “get out of here.” Which in context, meant “start walking to the first place that has to take you in, while wearing nothing but a bikini, and not in possession of your phone or keys.”

You think he fears for his life. I think he admits this was wrong because this was wrong. Seems I hold more respect for him than you do.


As far as I’m aware, there’s basically bee no cops who have been violently retaliated against for assaulting, raping, or murdering people, which the cops seem to be doing quite a lot.

Meanwhile, people who the cops arrest for filming them are deliberately fed rat poison in jail.




You raise an interesting point. this is what he said, through his attorney (Bishkin).

“With all that happened that day, he allowed his emotions to get the better of him,” Bishkin said. “Eric regrets that his conduct portrayed him and his department in a negative light. He never intended to mistreat anyone, but was only reacting to a situation and the challenges it presented. He apologizes to all who are offended. That day was not representative of the 10-year service to the community of McKinney, and it is his hope that by his resignation the community may start to heal.”[/quote]

On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is a fauxpology and 10 is a genuine apology, I’m trying to figure out where that one rates.

Of course, as you’ve pointed out, he actually did resign, and actions do speak louder than words.

Edit to add: link to article from which I took the quote


At this point, even a fauxpology is an improvement.

Compare and contrast to the cops in rural Georgia who threw a flashbang in a toddler’s crib and maimed him for life. Those guys are such chickenshit their lawyer literally filed a brief in court saying the toddler’s injury was his own fault.

Meanwhile Casebolt’s giving up his career. The Internet rage machine is driven by injustice, but if it piles on him more than the dozens of cops who have done worse and suffered less for it, it will be a source of injustice too.


How many of us after handling two suicides in one day, one involving a father killing himself in front of his family, would be able to go into a tense situation and react with perfect calm and equanimity? I’m not excusing the actions of this cop and neither does he (as already noted he’s admitted fault and resigned).

Instead of vilifying all cops all the time for bad behavior what we need to be spending time talking about is the realities of police work and the effects of PTSD and the lack of reasonable mental health care in the entire country, not just for police forces. Once we can begin this conversation and seek solution only then will we start seeing a decline in police brutality.

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I’ve proposed, less than half facetiously, that every three months, every police officer be assigned to a month’s worth of duty where his “job” is to pet puppies and kittens all day.


11 other cops were on the scene and managed to not step on their dicks. Their actions are a stark contrast to the one guy who lost it for some reason.


Dear apologist,

Is there something wrong with also asking that they stop treating black people so much worse then they do white people?


nevertheless, the rules still apply


Ok, that deserves having the image embedded because it is that good.


I think we all have enough of an attention span to discuss race issues, good and bad police tactics, and police counseling / support services in the same conver–



It doesn’t say anything about no pissing in the pool. Party time!


This actual resident may well be telling the truth. I don’t know. But her facebook banner image proclaims “Back the Blue”, so if nothing else, it indicates that she likely has a particular pro-police bias of her own, and I’d want to see corroborating information.

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Fox is fighting on our behalf against the evil Media, silly!

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