Comparing a $100 bass to a $10,000 bass

The upside tho is if you learn to play well on crap, playing the good stuff comes easy


"The"point? What point? Who’s point?

Are you making a point that I’m supposedly disagreeing with? Or are you saying that I’m making some point that you disagree with with?

No where, in any of my comments, have I said ANYTHING about pedals or “processors” (wtf?) or what is a better deal or not.

You were on the debate team at Trump University, weren’t you?

Thats some weird, Puritanical logic right there.

That’s like thinking that because I drive an '84 Dodge Omni I’ll be instantly naturally skilled when I get in a Ferrari.

Until the neck warps, or the tuning keys fail spectacularly or the pickups start acting funny in the middle of a gig or session…

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No. No it doesn’t sound or play as well. Not at all.

yes, that’s certainly a valid difference

“this is pointless masturbation. We have no idea what he’s playing through or if he’s playing through the same set up with each bass…Bass + Amp + Mic would have made this have any point to it.”

my point is that if there is ANYTHING you can play a $100 bass through that can make it sound this close to a $10k bass, then there is little reason to pay $10k for a bass.

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OK. I think I see where we’ve lost track of each other.

When I say “we have no idea what he’s playing through” I do not mean that I think he’s using some digital magic to make his crappy instrument sound awesome. I mean that we don’t know if he’s plugged into the same amplifier/set up with all three instruments. Or if he’s using an amplifier at all. It could be a signal straight into Garage Band or whatever he’s using for all that terrible back track. I’m not suggesting that he is using anything to improve the sound, but that the whole exercise is nullified as we don’t know what he’s using or that he’s using it consistently with all three.

If you want to compare any instruments no matter how similar or disparate, you’d need to play them through the same amplifier, speaker cabinet and capture the signal the same way whether that be micing the cabinet or running into a PA or mix board.

[quote=“MossWatson, post:67, topic:102995”]
my point is that if there is ANYTHING you can play a $100 bass through that can make it sound this close to a $10k bass, then there is little reason to pay $10k for a bass.[/quote]

There is no reason for anyone to own a $10K bass. Buy a ridiculously awesome $2,500 bass and give the rest to an animal shelter or adopt a family for christmas or something. Or send it to me and MossWatson and we’ll go out for sushi.

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That was the lesson I received. The gap between a cheap piece of crap and a well-made moderately expensive version of the same item is much larger than the gap between the moderately expensive version and the super expensive version. I consistently liked the character of the sound of the “middle” bass, made my ears perk up. The high-end bass was perhaps technically richer in overall sound but didn’t do as much for me.

My assessment of his skill level was “he plays it much better than I do”.

Did you find my comment pretentious or something? I’m a little confused at your withering response.

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Could be. He’s okay. Not top tier, but still could be a pro.

Sorry, no harm intended. I didn’t mean to insult you and find no fault with what you said.

I meant to say that he’s good enough where he’s outgrown the cheapo bass, but not good enough where he needs the crazy expensive one.

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As above where I referred to the potentially dodgy build quality of the $100 bass category, one important difference for playing a bass is the finish quality of the neck/fretboard. I don’t know if you play a stringed instrument but in case you don’t, FYI this really does affect the ease of playing the instrument.

Sure the difference is there for the $700 but for a very experienced performer the difference will be there for the $10K one as well, even if they are at a skill level to make the cheapest one “sound good”.

all good points. I was speaking strictly about the sound, as that seemed to be the point the video was addressing.

As we’ve seen from lots of comments already, the sound in the video is almost certainly dressed up for a night on the town.

Personally I think the point of the video was more “look at how awesome I am” but thats not really germane to this discussion.

From comments, it seems the Emperor has some clothes, but is not fully clothed.

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