Comrade Mike Johnson takes orders from his leader Vladimir Putin: Ukraine aid sits in limbo

I Heard That Before Comedy GIF by Neesin



I guess everybody’s got a phobia.




I guess he has fully internalized “he who lives by the sword, will die by the sword”

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Remember back in the good old days when we had to slap “under God” on everything to remind ourselves that 'Muricans were good Christian folk and Russians were atheist heathens? Time is a flat circle, man.


And while Ukraine aid is in limbo, theyare trying to find solutions to things that aren’t a problem.


I’m surprised that there isn’t a Stop Restricting Shower Power Act or a Toilets That Can Flush Turds Act. Those seem to be Trump’s perennial preoccupations.


Well, I think it IS meant to be a joke. But as with all conservative attempts at humor that I can remember, it’s not at all funny to outsiders.


I rather suspect that there is more of a “Hey, Vlady baby already figured out how to have a white supremacist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, autocratic country. We want that too. Let’s be friends!” type thing than overt puppeteering. At least mostly. I have no doubt there are some that have far more direct connections, (Il Douche, for instance) but why should he expend all that effort when they will do what he wants for free because they want to?


More on this topic from @RickMycroft:

FWIW, I guess. Some speculation, but if the Russian intelligence services work much like our own (and like we know the Soviet’s did), then all of this is very plausible.

Some of our uncertainty here is predicated on how these sorts of operations work so we often can’t know what they were until you hit a certain distance from said event (here in the US) or when a regime changes (like when the Soviet Union ended and their archives opened up for a period).


Walrus Yes GIF

All very plausible, though when it comes to US pols (and when compared to European pols), oddly unproven.

As the New Republic piece says,

While we cannot say for sure if any Republican officials are on the Russian payroll in ways similar to their European counterparts, we can be sure that they’ve been approached.

Maybe they should check the sweatpants pockets in MTG’s closet for gold bars.


Maybe this came up in comments to your previous Moses Johnson post, but you should make sure Midjourney incorporates Michelangelo into the recipe: he’d be the first to tell you Moses had horns!

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I doubt they’d pay her any gold bars. She’s willing to work for exposure.


You’d think so, yet every time we hear about an FSB operation, even a successful one like Salisbury, it is by open source intelligence analysts and investigative journalists following a trail of incredibly sloppy tradecraft.


That’s the other side of the coin, because Russians.

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