Originally published at: "Confederate History Month" gives a Florida public school teacher an excuse to honor the losers | Boing Boing
Next up in Florida: “National Socialists’ Day” (5/8)
Racists gonna race. And lose.
One state’s public educational system reworked to corrupt future generations will eventually produce teachers in service of said corrupt system. It’s the Educational Centipede.
Wait a sec, I’m Florida, April is confederate history month ?? Are we sure this isn’t an Onion article ?
I’m guessing it’s related to the fact that the war ended in April?
But sadly, no… not at all an onion article…
No. I think Wikipedia generally confirms The Onion, right?
My memory of AP History is not that great - but it seems that Florida held back over 15K troops from traveling north to support Lee? Troops that might have swung the war but didn’t contribute anything but to the loss? Somethings never change.
And I’m guessing like in any other southern state, FL also had pockets of unionism too that opposed secession in the first place.
Isn’t there some lameass “anti-CRT” desantis rule that if it makes anyone uncomfortable/feel-guilt then it can’t be taught? So no one (in Florida) feels uncomfortable when the side supporting slavery is celebrated?? (“ch’yeah but only real stuff which makes conservatives uncomfortable”)
That only applies to straight, cisgendered white children - or at least that’s how the “law” is applied.
This law was just like Jim Crow laws - they were meant to be adhered to only by Black Americans and to be used to make them second class citizens. White people regularly transgressed these boundaries and broke those laws all the time, and rarely got into legal trouble for doing so.
Egon Kisch was an example of how these laws can be manipulated to disempower people (In Australia in this case).
Under the Immigration Restriction Act 1901, visitors could be refused entry if they failed a dictation test in any European language. As soon as Kisch was released, he was re-arrested and was one of the very few Europeans to be given the test; he passed the test in various languages but was finally failed when he declined to be tested in Scottish Gaelic. The officer who tested him had grown up in northern Scotland but did not have a particularly good grasp of Scottish Gaelic himself.
Isn’t National Socialist Day 8/8?
An excellent example that I wasn’t familiar with! Thanks!
Also, look at how literacy tests were administered in the south… pretty much poor whites passed almost every time, while it was difficult for a highly educated Black person to pass the test…
and the school district is, of course, investigating.
Investigating ways to force this on other schools I’ll bet
next feature film in “civil war history month”:
Birth of a Nation.
florida-da education at its finest. tell your friends.
Ok, sure, let’s talk about the Confederacy and what it was about… oh, right, any talk of racism, white supremacy or slavery has been forbidden in Florida. So all one can do is valorize and make heroic the Confederacy, not talk about what it actually was. Yep, Republican laws acting as intended.
They’re pretty open about it only being about making white kids feel uncomfortable, as exemplified by a Florida teacher who supported banning talk of racism and slavery because it would make the white kids feel guilty, while simultaneously displaying Confederate flags because she was “proud” and didn’t see how it might be an issue for Black kids…
Wait… you mean, you personally?
“I am Spartacus!”
Edit for social context.