"Confederate History Month" gives a Florida public school teacher an excuse to honor the losers

It’s not just Florida. As other said, yep, it’s a thing. There are some good anti-Confederate posts this time of the month as people smack down anyone wanting to revere these traitorous losers.


The Simpsons has an answer for everything. But the I’m typo was because my phone insists on autocorrecting ‘in’ to ‘I’m’. I keep resetting the keyboard dictionary and it doesn’t fix it. I guess my phone has gained some sort of sentience and now exists to annoy me.


Nothing that he said in the video is untrue. Florida has celebrated Confederate History Month since 2007.

It is not celebrated nor taught in Florida schools.

However, there should be nothing wrong with teaching history. It happened. It’s in our past. We can learn from it.

Just because it doesn’t fit anyone else’s narrative or “truth”, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Or mean that it isn’t true.

The winners write the history books and all of the textbook publishers are in the North so that is why most people haven’t heard about it.

There used to be civil war re-enactment days. There are Revolutionary war re-enactment days too, or there used to be.

Those who refuse to learn about history are destined to repeat it.

So, we should celebrate enslavers and racists? Because that’s what having a whole MONTH dedicated to the Confederacy actually is… it’s not about education, it’s about whitewashing the ACTUAL history…

Everyone (here at least) is aware that enslavers and racists tried to break away from the rest of the country, because they wanted to enslave and be racist. That’s nothing to celebrate… It is something to understand in an accurate way, especially since for much of the 20th century, many students got the highly whitewashed version that venerated the CSA as a well-meaning rebellion against “Northern aggression” - which was a bunch of BS. We knew that enslavers were motivated by seeking to retain slavery BECAUSE THEY TOLD US WITH THEIR OWN WORDS.

But tell me - should Germany have a Nazi History Month, too? Or should they incorporate the Nazi era into their regular history courses, taking special care to help students understand the Holocaust?

The Virginian Lol GIF by GritTV

Um… no. That’s not remotely true.


Is patently not a thing that is true or should be taught as accurate.

Any point of view other than “The War to Keep People Enslaved” is horseshit. Calling it “the Civil War” is civility. Well documented in the newspapers of the time, and the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution is proof enough – but the autobiographies of many of the leaders and combatants on both sides will also illuminate.

Just because someone doesn’t like that doesn’t make it true.


I’m not sure all the textbook publishers are in the north at all, given all the ones that aren’t, but I would love to hear more southern perspectives on the war. About how their ancestors were kept in chains and beaten and murdered, and how they helped against the secession that happened when the slavers couldn’t get the north to help enforce their vile institution.

Not from the southern rebels, though. Those people have already had their retcons about their aims trumpeted from one end of the country to the other.


We have the losers’ own written accounts. We know exactly what the Confederacy was fighting for: to preserve the institution of chattel slavery.

Fuck the Confederacy and their apologists.

There used to be civil war re-enactment days.

You may be shocked to hear this but cosplaying fanboys are not necessarily the most objective source of historical fact.


Kristen Wiig Yep GIF by Where’d You Go Bernadette

More on Lost Cause BS…


Actually, you’re right, maybe we do need to hear more from the rebels. The cornerstone speech would clear up a lot of lies about states’ rights.


I thought that Florida was banning participation trophies?


People who support this are working to repeat it.


This is the first time Geoffrey has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!



Fuck them. It’s on par with Nazi History Month in Germany. It’s an official celebration/recognition/whitewashing of traitors who took arms against our nation to perpetuate chattel slavery. The whole point was for the KKK to reassert itself and terrorize descendants of former slaves.


Since I expect my last post to be removed with the neo confederate I was responding to, here are my thoughts

Fuck anyone celebrating Confederate History Month. They’re racist treasonous garbage. It’s on par with Nazi History Month in Germany. It’s an official celebration/recognition/whitewashing of traitors who took arms against our nation to perpetuate chattel slavery. The whole point was for the KKK to reassert itself and terrorize descendants of former slaves.

Of course Florida and other “red states” celebrate it. Their leaders have embraced white supremacy and fascism in general. Neo-Nazis who need a good punching.


Learning and honoring are two completely different things. Also, the Confederate States of America lasted for all of four years, during which all that they really did is fight and lose a war to keep slaves. That is the entirety of its history.




… that was North Carolina :roll_eyes:


The confederates were assholes in a ton of ways, but they were very literate and left lots of writings explaining exactly why they did what they did. Thd Cornerstone Speech comes to mind, along with the many declarations of independence laying out exactly how it was always about keeping human beings as property, keeping whites as a dominant culture, and forcing the north to “respect” these positions. There is nothing worth celebrating, and yes, it should be taught, but in MoRon’s Florida, it cannog be for fear of causing white kids distress.


Can I celebrate it with this flag?

Trans US Civil War Flag

(Trans pride colours make it look faded :frowning: . We need better colours.)