Originally published at: Congressman Gerry Connolly's staffers were attacked with a baseball bat in district office | Boing Boing
Some guard was asleep at the wheel.
Or some guard knew what was about to happen and was part of the plan. Sorry, but Hanlon’s Razor broke on January 6th 2021.
maybe because it was his district office?
The incident occurred at Connolly’s office on Main St. in Fairfax, according to a tweet from city police
You are correct.
At a small district office, it’s very likely there was no guard. Far-right domestic terrorism may become the next excuse for a hiring surge in private security tho…
i’m glad it wasn’t a gun, but jeez, a BAT?
I wish the staffers a speedy recovery and hope that as state employees all their healthcare is covered.
Barring mental health issues, the attacker is a coward and i hope they rot in jail.
Right wing terrorism.
The likelihood of this guy having a MAGA hat in his house is rather high…
Whatever his mental state, there’s a good chance this was a stochastic terrorism incident.
Most likely he’s just an asshole.
… you know, one of them “lone wolfs”
That and desatan throwing his political weight behind the murderer let me think this side show ain’t over.
Also, something about a governor supporting such an act gives me the spins.
No doubt the crypto-fascist right are stocking up on brown shirts as we speak…
khakis and polos.
Sure, but who do you think the private security draws their candidates from?
“It was just a scheduled tour that got out of hand.”
Connolly is a US Representative. I believe his staffers would be federal employees. Regardless, they should have good insurance. I would think this would be worker’s comp, though, no?