Conservative news host accused by former colleagues of sending them dick pics finds twerking to be a problem

Wow, you had to get into the Wayback Machine to dig that one up!


Eric Bollings looks like he’s eaten one too many Eric Bollingses.

On first glance, this seems just completely laughable. Also on second and third glances. I mean, the dude is a clown. It’s beyond self-parody. But it’s also deeply fascist:

“…the left-wing mob is doing everything, everything they can to keep the twerking going and corrupt our nation’s youth… destroy the family unit… and of course destroy faith, that’s the left-wing plan…”

That’s just straight out of the Nazi playbook for the war against “degenerate” culture. And of course, that justifies anything in response. Killing people for twerking (or being on “the left”) doesn’t seem so outrageous when you’ve framed them as destroying families, God and the innocence of children… if you buy into that mindset, as crimes go, all that is worse than murder.


We can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don’t dance
And if they don’t dance
Well, they’re no friends of mine


“safety” is me not dancing…
sorry to be left behind, but it is for safety’s sake.

[my] twerking is right out… though subverting the impressionable to the “Great Leftist Agenda™wink wink is always a worthwhile endeavor.


Again, though…why can’t these hate-mongers find a current dance trend to get all moral-panicky about? They’re either tilting at windmills, or as suggested upthread, the writers are confused about who actually cuts their paychecks.


I’m sorry, but when I read my Bible, it says “David twerked before the Lord with all his might.” It’s right there in 2 Samuel 6:14.

Maybe that’s not the translation they have in your copy of the KJV, but are you going to question my faith?


When he says “moral compass” I am pretty sure he has no idea what those words actually mean.


The old people who make up their audience are just now hearing about it, presumably.


bike cycling GIF by mike del forno


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