Conservative Twitter clone Parler is sold and shut down to be "revamped"

I’d forgotten about that one. Of course, that was “involuntary” though entirely their own damn fascist fault. Everything else I’ve seen has been server maintenance, migration, or such.


Oh no.
This is terrible.
Something should be done.


That’s a fine business plan unless you’re one of the minorities that gets to be the bait.


So if they’re not doing a right-wing Twitter, then what will it be, that takes advantage of their existing users? Selling web services to right-wingers who want to set up their own Nazi social media sites?

Oh, it’s still going to be right-wing, it just won’t be a Twitter clone. That’s what’s so weird - they’re essentially dropping the whole business in favor of …?, but they’re also crowing about their audience… that’s just there for that social media site.

Yeah, exactly - but what could they possibly replace the app with that would appeal to the same people? They talk about their media businesses, but it’s not going to be an actual media outlet for which they’d have to produce content (because that would be even less viable), nor some other social media, so…

I think they made it pretty clear it’s not ever going to be turned back on - they’re suggesting it’ll be replaced by something else entirely.


Good point, that’s my privilege talking, since I probably wouldn’t be targeted by it. In a battle between white “moderates” and white racists, they can end up being the ball. It’s hard to remember that it sucks to be the hostages between the two power groups, and we are morally obligated not to put them in additional danger.


More often are, because otherwise the racists have nobody to kick, metaphorically or often literally.

So yes, anything we can do to lessen that blow helps.


Ripe for identity theft. The russian Mafia could have a field day with it.


They can’t keep it closed for long, no matter what goes up. The mailing list is fine, but the audience has a definite and short Best Before date.

They would have been better to keep something up until they could replace it, but I guess they’re like Elno in miniature, and don’t want to pay any staff to keep it going.


… so, um, why would anybody buy it then :confused:


Well, I certainly hope that between Gab, Rumble, Gettr, TruthSocial, MeWe and others that escape me, they have enough alternatives left!

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I get the impression they don’t really know what they’re going to replace it with, in which case they really are going to lose the “audience” - which seems like it would happen just because they’re replacing Parler with something entirely different. Assuming they are replacing it, and aren’t just using the user base as a mailing list (and whatever other information they can data mine from the archives) for their other businesses…


Maybe they want to swab the floors, clean the walls, boil some cinnamon sticks, take down the worst posts or bury them?

Then reopen claiming to be a site for everyone, hoping to catch some of the Twitter exodus.

Since they only moved the headstones, but kept the users, they’d have to find a way to keep the worst stuff hidden in the back. :man_shrugging:

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Any revamping of Parler that maintains the current user base is going to have all the same problems Parler did. I hope someone pours billions of dollars into it before it all burns to the ground, leaving them and all their investors bankrupt.


Because Stormfront was already taken?


You’d have to scroll back through a tall stack of calendars to hit that date.


I can almost guarantee they pronounce it Star-Board instead of stahbd as they do on ships. They are culture-less cretins for appropriating a perfectly good, centuries-old word for their company name. Get OFF MY LAWN!


Or maybe they’re not from Hahvard?


I say do gab next. I don’t think Milo has been booted from that one yet.


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