Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

take a look at this weekly change in testing. in the biggest hotspots ( az, fl ) testing is going down :frowning:


In theory if you think you have symptoms, you’re supposed to quarantine for two weeks (ignoring that even MLB players can’t do that). If your test is going to take two weeks to come back (the estimate we were given) why bother?


yeah, totally. looking around it seems like the average is two weeks in just a couple of places. most places it’s one week… which is still way too long.

:Average turnaround time for test results right now is at least seven days, up from two to three days until several weeks ago, [Jim] Davis, executive vice president of general diagnostics at Quest Diagnostics said.


Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, said on MSNBC… “After about 48 hours, the test really isn’t that useful for the clinical management of the patient. At that point, you’re not going to be able to use the result to do effective contact tracing. Too much time has passed, and you’re not giving information back to the provider and the patient that they could use.”

but there are some ( linked in the above article ) that take much longer… in one case 26 days. :crying_cat_face:


If you haven’t seen this video, don’t. I will not link to it. But here is the rest of the story, if you have.


Just what is the difference between a cassowary and a velociraptor, anyway?


Um. Wow. Just. Er. I feel kinda ill.


The fact that she is a pediatrician truly sticks in my craw. When my wife played the video to me (I am convinced this was done as punishment for an unspecified offense) I responded in a manner I will not relate here, save to say I was not kind to the woman in the video.

And the take home for all women having “female problems” is that if you weren’t such a demonic dream hussy, you would not be suffering. So it’s all your own fault!


Is it sad that I am completely not surprised by this?


The virtual Comic Con which was a replacement for the real one because of the virus was a bust


Illinois was the first state to get the ‘right’ to create and process their own testing kits without having to go through the CDC. Notice we’re having no problem ramping up testing (as a state with significant population, including a major metropolis). I wonder if that’s a causal connection.


UVA developed their own test, with much faster turn around, based on mass spectroscopy. Worked great until we started running out of swabs and reagents. Supply chain issues are pretty universal, even without federal interference.


Hey, my mother told me last night that there’s no point in helping the big cities because New York never even used the tent hospital that got set up in Central Park. (I checked: all beds were filled in the first week.)

You can’t get people to see reality if they steadfastly refuse to.

You just have to maintain a wide berth, and wear PPE whenever near them.

(That’ll be true even after this pandemic is under control.)


I only read the article. I’m not sure I have the emotional wherewithal to suffer the video today

This really bothers me too. Young girls get enough weird guilt surrounding puberty, is it really necessary to pile on the misogyny? Girls have enough problems just dealing with how the physical changes to their bodies change how men perceive them. It always pisses me off even more when it’s a woman pushing that kind of thing.
And the transphobic and homophobic rhetoric. The woman is just brimming with hate and shame she wants to push on other people. She shouldn’t be a pediatrician. Children are so vulnerable! I have little hope it would work, but it would be good if local physicians are pushing the texas medical board to examine her practice.
I know there are anti-science doctors. But I don’t understand why.
Odd. She’s only been licensed in Texas for a year.
I wonder if the ethical docs will manage to run her out of town?


She does complain about a “group of women doctors” trying to take her license away. The misogyny and self-hate is so strong with this one. And yes, the fact that she takes care of young women while spouting this vile shit is just nauseating.


My guess is that she’s the go-to doctor for the children in “Biblicist” ‘Christian’ families.


A cassowary is about six times bigger than a velociraptor.


Duly noted. Thanks.


I imagine “takes care of” in the mafia sense.


I genuinely don’t know what to do about this. This is obviously what the “new, compassionate, responsible Trump” is selling, and everyone wants to buy. The head of my company, most of our family, etc. are all completely focused on when technology will make everything better and also probably that will just be another month, if Trump can just get rid of all that pesky red tape (i.e. who says vaccines should work more than half of the time and shouldn’t kill 10% of the recipients?)

TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2020


Sure we all want a vaccine, but otherwise… getting the virus under control - not perfectly, but enough for life to return to largely normal - has been possible a lot of places!

The country’s most annoying stats nerd should learn to read his nerd charts.

by Atrios at 08:00