Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

The fact that she’s a Black woman perpetuating misogyny and ignorance infuriates me, because due to racism, Black folks don’t get to be unique individuals; every fuck up one of us makes affects how ALL of us are perceived.


To be honest, having sex with demons probably isn’t good for your health. But that’s got nothing to do with Covid-19…


I don’t know, pretty positively correlation with life expectancy.



Of course real velociraptors were the size of turkeys

The closest thing in the fossil record to the monsters in Jurassic Park was Deinonychus antirrhopus



I know they try to have fun with the plumage these days, but I think they probably should have gone back to the drawing-board with the Death Puffin.

Heh, a Southern Cassowary would actually be a touch larger (heavier) than a Deinonychus: impressive since the Deinonychus would have had heavier bones.

I guess they know that the arms had a winglike fringe, but I wonder if anyone has tried to figure out why: obviously not gliding. Or maybe raptors descended from a smaller glider and it was a holdover?


microraptors could fly, they’re the famous fossils with four wings

the others are all closely related, or that’s the assumption these days


That’s interesting. “Because it makes pediatricians look like idiots” was where I went. I am guessing African immigrants were going “oh, shit, she’s making us look sooo bad!” Pretty much any group she is a part of has grounds to be horrified, including the group “human.”


Well, of course; that’s your profession and a quack like this only makes your job even harder than it is already.

True, but only one group will get judged as ‘a whole’ by her actions taken as an individual.


If you have passing familiarity with Baptist seminary this won’t be vaguely surprising to you. A high school friend’s father was a Baptist minister, and we got into his textbooks one time, including those for his demonology class. Most of them believe* all this shit, it’s just that most of them keep it under their hat.

* In the limited sense in which they “believe” in anything, which is “will this statement make me feel powerful or get someone to do something for me”.


Raptors start small and include some gliders like Microraptor as smulder said. But, it looks like the existence of the wing-like fringe predates flying and gliding, showing up in larger groups like ornithomimids. Rather it was something already there that then adapted to make those possible.

Last I checked, nobody is quite sure what it was for in the first place. The usual answers like display have of course been offered up, but I think there are some more interesting possibilities, like aerodynamic assistance for fast turns or balancing while attacking prey.


An update on the European part of the outbreak:

This map I found online shows where the current outbreak clusters are concentrated in Europe:

South-eastern Europe is being hit by a second wave at the moment, with Romania and Bulgaria especially effected, as are (not shown) Serbia and Bosnia, which is also showing up in the Croatian border areas.

Also, there is another outbreak in Iberia, with cases concentrated in Catalunya, Aragon, and Navarre, which has led to the re-imposition of quarantine on travellers arriving from these areas.

Also, in international comparisons:

The USA has now surpassed Scotland in covid deaths on a population basis, and with the current rate of growth of cases, is set to surpass Wales in about a week (and France, which is on 463). It’s a truly dire situation and I hope the best for all my friends out there on the BBS.


An older article, but I don’t think it’s been posted.


Not much to benefit from the comment section in the accompanying video. It’s highly bigoted and volatile.


By comparison, we’re in the middle of a testing blitz for anyone with anything even symptom-adjacent, with drive-through test sites staffed by the army. I got tested last Thursday, about 2.00pm, and got an SMS with the all-clear at 8.30pm on Friday, 30.5 hours later.


the army?

we couldn’t do that here. we have clear guidelines about how federal forces are allowed to be deployed /s

it’s so frustrating that bill barr is running the government right now and worrying more about some theoretical law and order than actual health and safety.


I think you give him to much credit. “Trying to destroy democracy by any expedient” is closer to his motivation.

Even with turnarounds close to that, MLB still can’t do things right.


For some good news:


“According to Segura, the world is facing “a respiratory virus that is also neurotoxic.””


They couldn’t afford for us to stay home another month so we could lower transmission to match the Euros, but they can afford 30 billion dollars in defense spending in the covid relief bill. List in linked article.


Here in Poland numbers seem to be increasing again:
After an early and very effective lockdown government decided to reopen too soon. People have stopped being cautious too, and way too many wear masks with their noses exposed.