Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

Holy shit, no. Just no. I was sure this was from The Onion when I read the headline. Damnit…


“Citizen Scientists Test Nuclear Reactor Design”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about citizen scientists: my father is an excellent one. But, you know, limits.


I’m having a hard time feeling bad for these folks. What will they do if Dear Leader finds out they no longer believe in him and his “truths?” :roll_eyes: I used the plural, because whatever that is changes too frequently for me to keep up.


I think not all White House staff or even congressional aides are political flunkies, but many are more regular, non-partisan positions, so I feel a bit sorry for them.

The people who applied to work for Trump should be more worried about swinging from a gibbet than covid.


Out of curiosity, I had to find out how easy it is to get the spike protein for this science project. Apparently not hard at all!,ss:44&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ALeKk036Gz4zSZIxYk3MmP_3DQyh8V56Jw:1596151102028&prds=num:1,of:1,epd:9907771776763389055,prmr:1,pid:9907771776763389055,cs:1

Not one boxing, not really worth clicking through. $1943.00 plus $21 shipping, if you are interested!


Having worked in government positions a couple of times during my career, a non-partisan employee at those levels is rare. Some of those jobs are very sought-after, so you have to be politically connected to even be considered. At a certain point, people in those jobs had to decide if being associated with the administration would be an asset or liability on their resumes. My take is that anyone still there at this late stage of the term thought it would be the former.


reminds me of a dark joke.

A faithful mans house is in the middle of a flood.
A neighbor rows up in his boat and says “I have room for you hop in”
The man replies “No I trust in the lord to save me from the rising waters”
The flood is now just reaching the eaves and some with a large speed boat pulls up and the pilot “We have plenty of room so come aboard”
The man replies “No I trust in the lord to save me from the rising waters”
As the waters reach the top a helicopter comes and offers him a rescue.
The man replies “No I trust in the lord to save me from the rising waters”
The water rise some more and the man drowns and finds himself at the pearly gates and says “how could you do this, I had faith and prayed yet I find myself here”
St. Peter glares at him and says “We sent two boats and a helicopter dumbass”


The website states their vaccine can be produced without specialized laboratory equipment—though the process would be more laborious and the results likely more variable—and that only five commercially available ingredients are needed: epitope peptides, chitosan, sodium triphosphate, sodium chloride, and water.

Of course, unless you mix it yourself, it could just be demon spooge. Here come the snake oil quacks…


But probably not worth its salts.


That’s my favorite religious joke.

Too many of “the devout” seem to forget;

So sayeth Ben Franklin.




Some parents believe, that with coronavirus still around, the opening of schools is too soon, despite new cases leveling off in the state. Others are pleased with the decision to reopen schools after months of missed classroom education.

These positions, of course, hold completely equal weight.


There’s a sort of an opposite joke to that one, too…

Guy gets his foot caught in a railway track. “Well, this is silly,” he thinks, tugging his leg. No success. “Damn.” He keeps tugging.
After a couple of minutes he’s sweating and embarrassed. But still trying to get free.
A few minutes more and he hears the whistle of the approaching train. Leg still stuck fast.
“Jesus,” he says. Then, “Jesus, please help me.” Tug tug tug.
Whistle whistle whistle.
“Hail Mary, full of grace…” foot still stuck.
“Dear God, please help me out, I don’t want to die this way.” Train nearly upon him, he’s freaking out.
“God in heaven, please, I beg you, save me from this, I promise to live a good life.”
Train is seconds away.
“I’ll donate everything I have to charity! I’ll devote myself to helping others! I’ll become a monk!”
With the train on top of him, his shoelace snaps and he tumbles out of the way, watching 100 tons of steel roar past from stunned disbelief on this ground.
When it’s gone, he stands up and dusts himself off, looks up at the sky.
“Thanks anyway God, I got it myself.”


I remember this exact joke from The West Wing:


On a more positive note:

Here’s a report on how the health service here was able to save one of the patients with the worst cases of Covid-19, who had zero lung function for 43 days.

We’re slowly learning how to beat this.


"In his first Facebook live video since recovering from Covid-19, Bolsonaro said: “I’ve just taken a blood exam. I was a bit weak yesterday. They have also found a bit of an infection. I’m taking antibiotics now. It must have been those 20 days inside the house, we catch other things. I’ve caught mold, mold in my lungs. It must be that.”


Mushroom pirates.


This one goes out to all of the folks who have been saying “wHaaT aboT ALl oF the folKS WhO weNt to A blaCk LIVEs MattAr proTest? theY’re iGNorING sociAL DIStanciN RulLs. I Wan to eEt inSide McdonaLs ritE nAo!”


Some McDonald’s are corporate store, most are franchised - but often the franchisee owns LOTS of stores. A friend works for a franchise doing maintenance, and they’re considered penny-ante, because it’s only 18 stores.