Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)



Quarantine on the first DAY of classes.


To be fair, while the focus on “missed classroom education” makes it seem stupid, it is a terrible thing for children to be in a lockdown, with stressed and overwhelmed parents. Children in socially disadvantaged families suffer the most. I can absolutely understand the wish to give all parents a perspective, a future to hope for.

But even in Germany, where authorities and most citizens together managed to get the first wave down to a manageable level, we still have trouble determining how to open schools safely, and cases are again on the rise.

BBC news today:

Scientists: you have to decide if you want open pubs or open schools.

UK: hold my beer.


Oh, I just misread Anybody for Antibody and I really think I should stop reading the interwebz for today.

Came back to post this, was told I could not post more than two consecutive replies to the topic. Well then, ETA:

Today, about 17k people protested Coronavirus restrictions in Berlin, Germany.

Weirdest bullshitbingo would be won in seconds. Police had to try to put a stop to it, which of course is a win to the idiots.

17000 people show up for a fucking event called “Das Ende der Pandemie - Tag der Freiheit”. Just in case you don’t get the reference, you are probably excused if you haven’t been educated about Nazi Germany. Oh, nein, I take that back. Because everyone and their fucking dog should be able to use Wikipedia. Or any printed encyclopedia.

Sad an tired, I just hope this shit ends soon. Fuck them, and if they have infected themselves I hope they don’t infect others.


Wow, that is both sad and terrifying. My wife and I were talking earlier about how the post-Covid world is going to be practically unrecognizable, but I hope not to that extent!


Ain’t that America?

I mean really, that’s a pretty good symbolic representation of the U S of A…


Covidiots, covidiots everywhere…


Terrifying doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings. This is Berlin we are talking about. This is a conscious provocation, and it worked.

I have a source who is having sources themselves listening to some strange filter bubbles professionally. (BTW, this research would probably kill me, even with professional psychological help.) German QAnon seems to be very happy about how everything went.

It is still a fringe group, but my disgust and horror that it gets this much airing is approaching record levels.

Ils sont fou.


That is a term I could have really done without hearing, like, for the rest of my life.


While every country has far right groups that could organize such rally, it’s disturbing that so many people attended it. Are those people neo-nazis, or are they not getting/don’t care about nazi connotations?


I think the squelching of all appearance of nazism has a secondary effect of it not being talked about so much. Older Germans I’ve known avoided any opportunity to talk about ww2.

Tag der Freiheit translates basically to Day of Freedom. I think it is probably generic enough to be overlooked by younger Germans who probably don’t know a lot about Leni Riefenstahl.


To be honest I also didn’t know names of other Leni Riefenstahl movies apart from Triumph of the Will, and wouldn’t get the reference if @LutherBlisset didn’t point it out.
Having said that, this protest would be ridiculously stupid and hamful even without the nazi reference.


Agreed, especially given the almost jeering critique the US is getting about our own covid problem. I am not sure why anyone, anywhere would want to emulate our methods.


So, he was positive, a couple weeks pass, they he comes bouncing into the public saying he is negative. Then he comes up saying he is weak and feverish, but it is because he has “mold” in his lungs from being quarantined indoors. Now he is saying his lungs are clear, no mold i guess, but he is wearing a mask and telling people they shouldn’t get near him.


“Nobody is laughing,” Yakov Smirnoff says. “Nobody is happy.”

Could be the people being murdered by police, or the financial ruin, or federal troops marching into our cities, or the election from hell, or maybe just tens of thousands of people dying…

…or it might be ignorant people pretending to be defenders of freedom while coughing in our faces and killing us, too.


In America- people tell you to shut the fuck up, Yakov.


According to the report, a Grocery Advantage employee asked Bevans and a woman he was with to wear a mask inside the store, but they refused. The employee then told them to leave the store, which is when Bevans became “belligerent” and started yelling racial slurs.

The report states Bevans continued arguing with employees – and he then “repositioned” his hand on an ax, making employees believe he was going to hit them with it.


@RickMycroft DIY Coronavirus Vaccine

Long before vaccines were formally tested products of the pharma industry there was the idea of “variolation”; nasty, occasionally fatal, right idea, crude tools. I suspect if individual rights were less of an issue, along with the inevitable lawsuits that flow from them, that a vaccine of dubious effectiveness, unknown durability, but lower lethality than variolation for Pox, would already be available.

/s, kind of…

Hmm… :thinking: Variolation seems to have been a factor in Washington’s victory in the American Rebellion of 1776 …well, that and first Lieutenant governor of Upper Canada, Sir John Graves Simcoe, sparing his life…, but I digress…