Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

@ Ratel “Citizen Scientists Test Nuclear Reactor Design”

There was a piece of photocopy humour circulated in the 80’s in the nuclear power community in :canada: for a “Backyard Nuclear Reactor”. The instructions had it built in a hole in the ground, lined with a metal garbage bin, filled with charcoal for a moderator, using Borax-filled control rods (IIRC), and cooled from your garden hose. It was full of in-jokes, like the safety instructions (“Don’t forget to insert the control rods first and wear gloves when filling the vessel”) after the assembly instructions… the dark part of the humour being that, if you could get the fissile material, the design could actually work…

I do have an 8’ deep pool in the backyard, it would be straightforward enough to switch my house over to nuclear heating… :thinking: :grin: …by-law enforcement might be on my tail for it, though… :frowning_face:

The point of the digression being, except for obvious safety, quality, effectiveness and durability issues, these sorts of scientific exercises are not out of reach for less robustly scientifically advanced places, if you can get the raw materials.

@docosc $1943.00 plus $21 shipping, if you are interested!

Like that…


Walking around outside kills lung mold?


No; breathing on people without a face mask does.


I dunno, now he is wearing a mask and telling people it isn’t safe to get near him. His overall message is confusing. I think it has to do with somehow spinning “OMG I HAVE CORONAVIRUS” into something more macho and fascist-on-the-go.


For an authoritarian, the more ridiculous the lie, the better it functions as a loyalty test

“Yes, Mr. President, it’s lung mold, being quarantined causes lung mold, everybody knows that!”


This is an interesting analysis in today’s Toronto Star. What struck me was that 51% of our initial cases in Toronto came from the U.S. and the U.K. Obvious hotspots such as China, Italy or Iran (and there is a big local representation for each country in Toronto) each contributed fewer than 5% of the initial cases.


My point is that this is easy to find out, it has been on the media if you couldn’t be bothered to look out up. Those people are idiots either way. And not just because they are actively endangering others.


Morgues in the deep south are being overfilled with people who died from liberal hoax disease


I recommend he use a nebulizer filled with bleach.


Obviously, we need to stop testing them, isn’t that the answer?


“Everyone over 50 needs to lose their jobs and their houses so that I can go on pretending I didn’t murder thousands and thousands of people.”

But he got Brexit done, so it’s all worth it.

My sympathy muscle has tendonitis. I hope he does this.


I read it as it isn’t safe for him, not for those who get in contact with him.
I guess he should have recovered from covid now after his positive test, but maybe he is still infected, who knows.
There is also a chance that he had it some months ago when a lot of people close to him got positive tests, but he refused to show his results (some newspapers sued to get that info, but i think it was shot down recently).
Because of that, it might be possible that he hasn’t recovered from the first time, and then “got” it a second time, as it happened with some reported cases of reinfection that were actually just the disease getting weak enough to not be detected, but that appeared again after some time (I’m not sure if this is still true or it was debunked).
Or, a even simpler explanation might be that he got some lasting damage and is vulnerable to other infection for now.

He was trying to keep the message that covid was not a big deal, and he was succeeding after recovering in a few days after allegedly taking chloroquine.
But, it seems that it might not hold up for too long.


When I was young and getting the hang of language and disease, I asked “If I have chicken pox, and I give it to someone else, will I still have it?”

(Mildly surprised that idea hasn’t popped up in the covidiot rotation.)


Oh, FFS!
She’s getting a platform to spread her venom to a country that is completely unprepared for and overwhelmed by Covid-19.
So wrong, so irresponsible!


And he could be just backpeddling as Trump has, suggesting people now start wearing masks and social distancing. It’s not a pretty situation in Brazil.


Dick offers three styles of inflatable pubs. This one the perfect size for a backyard. The other two are roughly twice the size. He says they’re gaining popularity thanks to the pandemic.

And vice-versa! This could be nice if used responsibly by people all within the same tight social bubble, but someone who rents one of these, especially the larger sizes, will surely invite a lot of people. And they’ll be drinking. On the plus side, the ventilation is probably better than most actual pubs.