Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

Still Covid-free down here in North Antarctica, but the mainlanders aren’t doing so well. Therefore…


Lockdown worked for the rich, but not for the poor.

Without being able to read the article, it’s impossible for me to know just how blatantly obvious the reason for this actually is, but I feel like every open McDonalds and Home Depot goes a long way toward explaining it.


That’s a headline for a lot of “pandemic special products”.

If you want something inflatable, baby trump and the inflatable hospital spring to mind.


I had to go to the pharmacy about 3 weeks into the lockdown, just as it was getting sunny and warm. There is a Home Depot that shares the parking lot. They had been VERY CAREFUL and limited the number of people they were allowing in…

… and then lined the rest up in the parking lot like a big plague snake, with tents so that they would all crowd together in the shade.


My partner went to the UK equivalent around the same time. Same thing, very long lines. The individual places in the queue were a very careful two metres apart. Problem was that each coil of the queue as it snaked round was less than a metre away, and some places rubbing elbows. We don’t think we got sick, but who knows?


Nobody could see this coming:


Re: Dr. Stella Immanuel and Eyewitness News Bahamas-


I thought the whole problem with the cruise ship situation was their ventilation and a/c system connected room to room, and recirculated, turning the indoor air into a thick soup of everyone’s germs. I would have thought they would have had to do something about that before starting back up. I am silly like that.


I get the feeling that in the face of all evidence to the contrary, some businesses have decided to follow the advice of idiots in management who say, “Well, let’s just give it a try and see what happens!” They figure if it doesn’t work, they can point to that as the reason operations have been shut down - instead of medical advice and public safety guidelines that covidiots don’t want to follow. So, they’re turning their customers into canaries in a coalmine.


I dunno if this was posted before but this is a good article


Yes, the situation here is not good, but it seems that if bolsonaro is doing something now, it is just to reduce the damage he and his cabinet might suffer, like a plausible deniability for later.
His asinine policies has already caused a lot of problems and deaths, and just backpedaling now is not enough to start dealing with all the damage he caused by both incentivizing people to ignore the pandemic and not proposing/implementing a solution for those affected.


Looking at the numbers they seem to be in the same position we in the US are in. It has spread to the point that it isn’t in segmented regions, it is pretty much everywhere. It’s a shame, both countries are suffering the same sort of leader.


What kind of idiots would get on a cruise ship after watching the disasters just a few months ago? Darwin in action?


I remember reading summer promotions from a few cruise lines a few months ago, but didn’t think they’d go through with it. There were more ads from major lines announcing there would be no voyages of the damned until November. This makes me wonder how many people are showing up at Disney World on a daily basis.


Got as far as Saint Ronnie…Jesus, is there anything he didn’t shit up?


Posting this mostly so I have an excuse to post this quote:

And if you think I’m joking or exaggerating, let me repeat my oft-told story of the memo that came down from Corporate demanding to know how we planned to duplicate our single-copy sales from 9/12/01 on 9/12/02.


Just have to wait for that vaccine!


Monday, August 03, 2020

Best Case Scenario

Is that they announce a fake vaccine like Trump announces his 2 week away health plan or similar. In other words, that it’s complete bullshit. The scary possibility is they start administering something that kills people, giving the anti-vax crowd a cause (and it will be conventional wisdom that it was Joe Biden’s vaccine, if he becomes president).

But experts inside and outside the government still say they fear the White House will push the Food and Drug Administration to overlook insufficient data and give at least limited emergency approval to a vaccine, perhaps for use by specific groups like front-line health care workers, before the vote on Nov. 3.
“There are a lot of people on the inside of this process who are very nervous about whether the administration is going to reach their hand into the Warp Speed bucket, pull out one or two or three vaccines, and say, ‘We’ve tested it on a few thousand people, it looks safe, and now we are going to roll it out,’” said Dr. Paul A. Offit of the University of Pennsylvania, who is a member of the Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory committee.
“They are really worried about that,” he added. “And they should be.”

Atrios at 11:00


Oh yeah, they really need to make health care workers into vaccine test subjects during a pandemic. :roll_eyes: Those workers better be able to opt out, or we might wind up with even fewer people in that sector than we have now. If this comes to pass, I’d ask WTH is wrong with the folks in this administration, but we already know.



And so it begins.

“Come out, Neville!”