Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

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“If you get rid of individualism, then you get rid of America,” Santee says. “That’s what this is really about.”

That’s right, folks. Not wearing masks, not doing the social distancing stuff, not staying home is apparently anti-individualism and anti-America. Wow.

ETA: thanks to all who pointed out my grammatical errors; fixed! I am so glad y’all are willing to help me here!


Nah, still not working. Thanks anyway.


Yeah, new normal. I really don’t like this ‘timeline’ much, the distribution of probabilities seems to be skewed since a couple of clicks.

Not sure why we are in a new/continuing topic. Can’t catch up ATM. (Anyone can PM me/ping me why the move? Loading time? For search, it was convenient to have one topic. )

ETA: got a forward from a friend’s friend yesterday. Child was in school. For one day. Classmate (with contact) was tested positive - if I understood the timeframe right on the same day. So, child is quarantined. Two weeks indoors, not allowed to leave the flat. Parent can do shopping, but can’t work.

Yeah, we’ll get used to that. That’s the new normal. Not any “strife” or argueing.

Let us just hope we do not come up with a new Blockwart system. (Incidentally, a key strategy in China, as far as I understand.)


I want every single reporter who uncritically writes that stupid fucking line to have “ASYMPTOMATIC TRANSMISSION” tattooed permanently on their foreheads in large block letters.


Good for Trump’s mood and some invaluable scientific value to boot. If no one gets sick, all the MAGA-world conspiracy theories will be proven true. But if and when the Covid-19 cases arrive (and I’m betting they surely would), the contract tracers could collect data for a study that shows exactly how safe a big assembly like a rally, a sporting event, or a concert really is. The main cost would be the potential deaths of dozens or maybe hundreds of Donald Trump supporters, but it’s a risk Eric Trump seems willing to take. Come to think of it, the president might want to think twice about trying this in Michigan, where his margin of victory was just over 10,000 votes; how many supporters can he afford to lose?


I think it’s been demonstrated pretty clearly that no matter how many MAGAs die, “essential workers” (i.e. Democratic-voting minorities) will die in equal or greater numbers. But I think the goal now is to get a massive second wave of infections and deaths in order to justify calling off the election entirely.

And while there may be major death surges of conservative whites in rural super-red states, he’ll still carry those easily. Those people would vote for him if he was hanging on to their back stabbing them in the kidneys while they crawled into the voting booth.


Getting rid of individuals remains fine.


I think there is no goal, just flailing around and denying the reality.


Trump may have the mental capacity of a tapeworm, but Rupert Murdoch, Mitch McConnell, etc. do actually think things through and plan, and they are actually in charge.


How about FUCK NO… How hard is it for people to wrap their head around the idea that the people who are being irresponsible are not just going to get themselves sick. they are going to get their families, their friends, people who they come into contact with at the grocery store, etc, etc, etc… sick. Just… this is NOT helping politico! JFC. :woman_facepalming:


Jesus fucking shit christ! The fucking East India company! That’s unbefuckinglievable! Hi, we’d like to celebrate healthcare by taking money from you. Remember when we raped, burned, slaughtered our way around the Indian subcontinent? Remember how we destroyed indigenous industry to have a market for our goods? Remember how we denuded the continent of wealth and caused multiple multi-million killing famines?

Fuck Tory racist scum.


ETA: In case you were wondering, Kroger includes all of these franchises as well.

Food 4 Less
Fred Meyer
Fry’s Food and Drug
Harris Teeter
King Soopers
Metro Market
Pick 'n Save
Ruler Foods


I think in the same way that some people use “conspiracy theories”* to give themselves some kind of illusion of control to assuage their incompetence, I think all people desperately want a large, terrifying and utterly unhuman threat to somehow act as a moral agent. But it is a really dangerous and seductive mental trap.

* We really need to have a better term for this, since conspiracies are real and particularly pernicious in our age, and real theories are required to investigate them.


The coronavirus outbreak revealed an international shortage of ventilators. Across the world, govenrments scrambled to acquire new ones, not just from traditional manufacturers, but from anyone who though they could design a simple yet functional device. As a result, hundreds of teams and individuals have risen to the challenge, including university students and hobbyists. Jolyon Jenkins set out to design and build a ventilator himself, drawing on the wealth of shared informationi and designs that have emerged in the last few weeks. He soon discovers that it’s harder than it looks.

Much publicity has gone to organisations that have produced ventilators that are not up to standard. And as knowledge of the disease has progressed, it’s become clear that coronavirus patients need very careful and specialised forms of ventilation if it’s not to do more harm than good. So are non-specialists capable of producing machines that will actually benefit patients?

Presenter/producer: Jolyon Jenkins

BBC radio is available globally.


It was certainly for the best the Elon Musk didn’t actually bother to try and do it after claiming he would.


Is this one guy who accidentally received excess pay, or is it all or many workers being asked to return part or all of their promised emergency pay?

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Yes, now is the time for bailouts of rich people.