There goes our strategic maple syrup reserve. You’re not getting Shatner back.
And we’re deporting Ted Cruz.
There goes our strategic maple syrup reserve. You’re not getting Shatner back.
And we’re deporting Ted Cruz.
Didn’t even make his 38th birthday, and was born not long after I graduated high school.* All because he bought into the cult that killed him, and believed their bullshit.
* The latter makes me feel old as fuck.
“[Cruz] applied to formally renounce his Canadian citizenship and ceased being a citizen of Canada on May 14, 2014.”
– Wikipedia
He may have applied- that doesn’t mean it was approved.
This is one of those rare cases where extraordinary rendition is justified- and probably the only time it will be used to remove someone from the US elsewhere. Elsewhere being in a northerly direction.
Nuh uh. All sales final. No returns.
Okay - you are getting Shatner back!
We could just airdrop him over Hudson Bay. We can’t guarantee he’ll be in much shape for anything afterward…
Never work - he has those damn flight boots from El Capitan.
Churches, bars/clubs, gyms should all be shut, everywhere, until this plague passes. People on my local Nextdoor site are desperately trying to find churches with live services; apparently god either can’t afford the internet or doesn’t know how to operate Zoom. We’ve had two spikes this week directly attributable to gyms, which honestly have no real reason to exist in a place where you can exercise outdoors 365 days/year. As for bars, nobody enjoys a good tipple more than I do, but in a pinch you can get much the same experience by watching Little Big’s I’m OK video.
Sorry to hear that. All the best to your brother in law and his family.
I’m already trying to train myself not to do the guessing game when someone close to my heart is going to get it. Especially considering the fact that this could be not only fatal, but WDKS about long term effects. I’m trying to brace myself, and trying hard to do something to postpone infection for everyone around me.
And it’s not working. Both.
The most depressing part during this whole pandemic is that I cannot do everything like I know I should. Your post reminded me of that, since I immediately nodded internally. My bias is: religion, like any other superstition, can be a good thing, individually. But it’s toxic as hell on a larger scale. In this case, churches and religious communities do spread the virus.
We had the caseses of a Baptist community around Frankfurt am Main. This got under control, and everyone lived. But I trust in religious groups to be the cause of future outbreaks.
Yawp; I did the math.
That fool was seven years younger than me, and my b-day was just on Tuesday.
Better ‘old as fuck’ than dead as fuck, especially due to willful stupidity.
I endeavor to make it your age, and beyond; salut.
“I think I made a mistake.” Yes, my dude, you did. Why can people not see this and learn a thing or two?
Because other people’s lives are less important than their egos.
Also, because I think a lot of these people can’t emotionally handle the facts that there’s a deadly pandemic going on, and the Trump administration’s been not just useless, but actively harmful to America’s response. So they double down on denial, pretending things are under control somehow and all of this will soon go away, because the alternative is too awful for them to accept.
The reality check is far worse, though.