Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 2)

“Shameful and inhumane”: DeSantis threatens to withhold vaccine amid criticism | Ars Technica

" According to CNN, Commissioner Reggie Bellamy was equally upset at the plan, saying he had been “fighting like hell to show people that the [vaccine] lottery is equal and we cannot compromise the system… And now all of a sudden someone is telling me that we were able to go in and pull names out—pull a certain demographic out—and say, ‘These are the people that we’re going to serve.’”

Baugh, meanwhile, defended her actions. According to Fox 13, she said, “I realize y’all don’t like the way it happened. I am sorry. But it is 3,000 people who will be taken off the list in Manatee County that get the vaccine. If there is a problem with that, I am sorry. But I jumped on it and I’d do it again.”

According to emails obtained by 10 Tampa Bay, Baugh requested to have her name and four others put on the vaccination list for the clinic."

Whitest and riches. They don’t say “most likely to vote Republican,” but I guess they don’t have to.


what a rotten bastard and a republican governor . . . but i repeat myself.


Well, this was unexpected. (not)


It was an automated letter that no-one checked. It isn’t the first time this kind of thing has happened. I remember 2000, when 104 year olds got letters telling them that they had been accepted into the local primary school.


Sad when this is the least awful thing going on.

And there will be no consequences. Here in Arizona the legislature is doing everything they can to punish blue counties.

Why not? Why not just give all the vaccines to white suburbs? Why not just give them all to registered Republicans? There are never any consequences and never will be.


Huh, so 2½" high and only 5’ diameter? that seems way to small.

Is that for diameter, radius or circumference?


I’m pretty sure diameter: C = 2π(D / 2) so 2(C / 2π) = D.

So 185" / 2π = 29.44", x 2 = 58.88" ~ 5’.

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k. I was figuring based on circumference and going “no, no, I don’t think so…”


Some good news, they’ve been fighting for this for a while and the fight goes on because it’s not a fight you win.


The math works!

Average density of 1g/ml or 1g per cc, so 108kg = 108,000cc of volume.

Circumfrence = 2 x pi x r, and r = sqrt(V/pi*h)

which gives r =approx 75cm (d = 150cm or 5’), so c = approx 468cm or 185"



Huh, Ars is possibly quoting different numbers? Basically it sounds like “stable” storage still requires the same temps (lasts 6 months) and there was always a five day standard freezer temperature window before use, it sounds like they’re just adding a twelve day window before the five days at standard freezer capable temperatures:

If approved, the new storage conditions would allow the vaccine to be kept at a mere -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F)—a temperature range any standard freezer can handle—for up to two weeks. And the vaccine doses can then be kept at standard refrigerator temperatures of 2⁰C to 8⁰C for five days on top of that.


Now we just need to seal that sucker up and crowd source enough postage to mail it off to Outer Slobovia, or Neptune, or the Sun, maybe.


Not out of the woods.

That’s more than double the number reported two weeks earlier. But the real number is likely far higher. How much higher? No one knows. That’s because the only way to tell which version of the coronavirus is causing an infection is to sequence its genome. In this country, that should be easy enough—the US is a sequencing superpower. It has dozens of academic institutions and massive commercial labs with the capacity to crank out genomes at a rapid clip. But the federal government’s response through much of the pandemic didn’t include a plan to mobilize America’s DNA-mappers into a coordinated coronavirus-monitoring corps. SARS-CoV-2 surveillance, well, sucked.


Total chaos in AZ vaccine distribution.

My mother’s first shot was rescheduled because of this: who knows how many more people were forced to reschedule or lost appointments.

Failed States like Arizona and Florida need to have their control over the vaccines, testing, and frankly everything else, taken away from them.




tl;dw: Science is hard. Retweeting is easy. Guess which one too many folks choose?