Vaccines laced with the so called ‘Chip of the devil’ and fear of being a guinea pig alienate indigenous people from the vaccine against covid-19.
Fake news spread by the WhatsApp and religious groups provokes resistance against vaccination among native people. The lie that the covid-19 vaccine can alter DNA is one of the main arguments.
But, at the same time she was expressing that regret, Birx was also in the process of joining ActivePure—an air-cleaning company that makes products that could lead to people inhaling hazardous disinfectants or byproducts, all in the name of getting rid of the pandemic coronavirus.
Brazilian Butantan Institute develops a local vaccine against Covid-19 and wants to start tests in human patients in April. If Anvisa, the Health Regulatory Agency, gives the green light, Butantan Institute estimates that can start the manufacturing in May. They promise 40 million doses already in July. Accordint to the autorities, this new vaccine use the same technology of the Flu vaccines.
Yeah, well, our hotel quarantine costs you $500 to $800 a day (the hotels are gouging people), 3-day obligatory pre-paid, you can go when your test result gets back and the checkout procedure involves you self-certifying that you have a negative COVID result.
The UAE COVID response is interesting, they have administered 80 doses of vaccine/100 as of the moment at a decent rate; they do have a high case rate, but are testing at a rate that’s nearly four times that here in Ontario. Mask compliance is good, from what family saw two weeks ago, and overall compliance with health guidelines is good.
The choice of livery for that plane is indeed a mystery.
There is a suspicion that many of the cases coming in via Dubai to Ontario originated in India, where the situation is out of control. That’s anecdotal.
Wracking my brain for others, but coming up empty. Tamiflu for influenza is marginal, AIDS therapies control but do not eliminate the virus, ribavirin was touted for RSV but failed spectacularly.
I had already forgotten that I took this picture at Tractor Supply yesterday. Once more, thanks for reminding me of something I should already have known.
After Mr. Doria, a political rival and governor of São Paulo, announced the Butanvac vaccine, the Minister of Science says that Anvisa, the health regulatory agency, has already received a request for tests on another vaccine, which is supported by the federal government.
The announcement was made hours after the São Paulo government declared that it will request authorization for Butanvac’s tests.
“In my view, it has nothing to do with each other,” said former astronaut Mr. Marco Pontes, minister of science and technology.
The vaccine is called Versamune and is being developed by the american company PDS Biotechnology Corporation with the help of a brazilian startup and local cientists.