You’re welcome!
Why, no, I did not spend like 20 minutes trying to find a good NPR pledge drive meme, why do you ask…?
You’re welcome!
Why, no, I did not spend like 20 minutes trying to find a good NPR pledge drive meme, why do you ask…?
I think NPR and PBS is the version of that the rest of the world actually rather likes…
Even if the America’s Test Kitchen is full of home-wrecking vamps waiving large, creamy chicken pies in front of easily distracted husbands like myself…
And in COVID news… um… Ontario case numbers are up ~50% in the last two weeks since the low point on … wait for it … Hallowe’en.
Surprised it took 20 min but that one is quite amusing!
I usually say no to the drive gift, I have enough stuff. I try to pick a morning when there is matching.
I am a sustaining contributer. They have my debit card and take $20 every month. No bothers with the gifts, don’t have to think about it. We also have the habit of running our cars until the wheels fall off, then donating them rather than trying to sell or trade in. Lazy? Oh, hell yes. But it works, and there are enough here that the local station rarely has to do much in the way of pledge drives. They call them “more news, less noise” and never interrupt programming af all. WMRA for the win!
Oh no! I’m sorry!
I figured they’d be all over the place, but no…
Me too… or they have days on mine where they do charitable stuff - the local food bank, this year they introduced one with a pet shelter, the spring drive they do plant a tree day… etc. Sometimes I get a gift if they are cool. Last year, they had these great mugs with art from a local artist, so I got that… Never a tote bag, tho…
We honestly prefer a one time yearly, so we can vary it as needed. We’ve donated a couple of cars to our local station, too…
Da fuq?
97.2 percent! See, these mandates do work.
To the absolute shock of no one on bb
i really wish someone had thought to invent this concept ages ago. i think the way to make it stick is to just keep saying how anti-science it is. and add a goop line of facial vaccine peels maybe.
now in a tasty chewable homeopathic paste. children love it. works for the measles vaccine too.
If it gets them vaccinated, I’d be happy to spread the rumor the the real secret for killing the nanotech, that They Don’t Want You to Know, is a glass of good wine, and some brie on crackers with a dab of raspberry jam.
Borax baths, good grief!
Wait…you’re telling me I’ve undone my vaccination at least a couple of times in the past 6 months? Oh NOES!!1!!11!!
“I’ve done my own research, and it turns out ivermectin is 8x more effective when it is used topically to undo a previous COVID vaccination.”
Fucking brilliant.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but a new video explaining how the mRNA vaccines work just crossed my timeline, and I wanted to share:
I also have a link to its Video site: How COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Work - Vaccine Makers Project on Vimeo
Great find!
It doesn’t explain which component of the vaccine is susceptible to detox with borax though. Wake up sheeple!!!
(/s but it’s becoming very tiring)
And that won’t stop the nanotech! That’s activated by watching fox news, oan or Newsmax. The only way to neutralize those is to watch a steady diet of msnbc and CNN for a full year.