It was oddly satisfying to see the Dalek I loaded rendered in 8 balls and eggs(terminate) in frying pans.
Like most people
I honestly am not even sure what the hell an emoji is supposed to be for? Why would I add an 8-ball and an eggplant to my communications?
“Meet me at the bar at 7. 8-ball, eggplant, fried egg…”
WTH? Is that your order? Do they even have eggplant at the bar?
These are emoji?
You can’t see them without a sort of Blade Runner zoom-and-enhance dance.
I can see them, but… is just any tiny picture an emoji now? I can remember when we called them icons.
I guess people generally mean the specific Unicode Consortium-standard tiny pictures that you can type on a smartphone nowadays. They’re totally icons, just a specific set of them people born after Windows 95 can relate to.
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