Cooking (not just dinner)

Maybe Iā€™ve not drink enough. or do you need a smoke? :wink: Although I smiled a few times, lots of noise next to informationā€¦ Making the liquid smoke was very interesting though, good to know/learn.
Also interesting why I have less problems with just smoking stuff and why Iā€™m not not planning to make liquid smoke myself. (yourself, so you know whatā€™s in it like that)?

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I came across these splendid folk a while back, and while some of the recipes are clearly best left in the past, this feller and his compatriots are splendidly watchable. Furthermore, this fried chicken recipe is the shit. Good god-damn, it is tasty. The best fried chicken Iā€™ve ever, ever made. Ifā€™n you want even more tasty, I recommend straining & boiling down the marinade with a bunch of brown sugar to make a sticky drizzle to go over the top:

@japhroaig A easy riddle:
At 21:00 our tonight.
675 gram flour (whole, a bit white, a bit rye)
675 gram water
Big spoon of rye sourdough.
Mix. Cover.

Whatā€™s tomorrow doing?


You may be able to substitute a few things if you arenā€™t able to get a bottle of one of these (I prefer Colgin):

I canā€™t rememberā€¦ are you in Denmark? France? Germany? Netherlands? Iā€™ve cooked in all those places and donā€™t ever remember seeing such bottles for sale.

With sincere apologies to @thirdworldtaxi (your recipe is very close to mine!)ā€¦

6oz tempeh (when I canā€™t find tempeh, I get firm tofu, freeze it solid, thaw it, wrap it in a clean towel, gently press all the water out, and slice it into strips)

3T tamari (soy sauce, which has wheat, is a possible substitute)

1.5T maple syrup (brown sugar also works if no maple syrup available)

1T liquid smoke (a pinch of smoked salt, or pimenton/smoked paprika powder; use a lot less tamari if using smoked salt)

1t lemon juice (orange juice can work too, itā€™s just a bit sweeter)

pinch of black pepper

ā€¦ Iā€™ve put some hand-chopped (not too finely chopped!) nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, whatever) over the whole pile of strips in the oven, for better mouth-feel, and only blast is for a few seconds in the broilerā€“itā€™s extremely easy to burn nuts! look out!

Good luck @Stynx!


How do you feel about Chipotle? Itā€™s virtually a 3rd table condiment in our home. I have Jalapenos going red in the garden that Iā€™m going to try and make my own with in the smoker. Thereā€™s so many foods that a shot of heat and smoke just brings to life.


smoked chili powder is excellent. but not for every dish and all the time.


Because we are all over here (bb) in to the tomatoes.
Itā€™s not ketchup. :wink:


And now on the stove, after above. 2.5 kg (5 lbs?) onions. A very little bit water, laurel, cloves, Ć  tiny bit canelle and ginger, but only a hint.
Later, way later, some sugar, some pectin. And in pots.
Is this a thing known at the other side of the pond?
(A very good way to get rid of a to soon ripening of unions, these you canā€™t dry and preserve for the winter, to green.)


If you want a more nuanced smoke flavor, marinate with strongly brewed Lapsang Souchong tea. I had some chicken prepared this way in Savannah and it was deeeeee-lish.


Sounds good. :slight_smile: Thanks

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Crepes. And if it isnā€™t crepes it should be crepes.


That sounds wonderful. I had to look up cannelle (cinnamon).

Iā€™m always amazed at the many ways to use/preserve the bounty of the harvest, and to make condiments to heighten flavor/enjoyment of our foods. When I spent time in London, one of my favorite things to do was to look at jars of ā€œpickleā€ in the grocery stores, and read the ingredients. Basically whatever is plentiful at the time, goes in.


Oh, sorry, sometimes the translation fails. Cinnamon indeed. :wink:
Exactly, Iā€™m drowning in tomatoes. And green unions. Soā€¦ Sauce and jelly. :wink:


Oh, thatā€™s no problem. I like words. :slight_smile: What I meant was: ā€œthat was new to meā€ :slight_smile:


To be fair, that was an exceptionally spicy-hot smoked chili powder!


I tried making a double batch of five ingredient fajitas and it turns out my pretty-big crock pot is too big for a double batch. :sweat: First time Iā€™ve cooked anything but stock in my stock pot.


Looks great! Youā€™ll have to show us how it looks when itā€™s done.

Also, I need to get a crock pot at some point. I wonder if they have ones big enough for 6-10 people (in case of visitors)?


Depending on what you want to serve people, my crock pot is big enough. :laughing: Itā€™s not a small crock pot, Iā€™m just trying to cook a weekā€™s worth of lunches I wonā€™t need to pile on snacks at the end of the day.

Iā€™m lucky I only put four bell peppers in.


Crock-pot sells 'em as big as 8 quarts.


I canā€™t remember the last time I cooked anything besides beans in my crock-pot. I think youā€™ve inspired me to pull that cooker out of the cupboard and try something new!