Cool your hot chips with scented thermal paste

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Sniff… OMG, the GPU has gone into patchouli! Shut it down!”


Has this got anything to do with the people who sniff their Steam Deck vents?


Did you know that there’s at least as much polarization/religion about the “correct” pattern to apply (cpu) thermal paste as there is the “correct” way to season cast-iron pans? (just a lame google search on the matter) yep. (“Draw a dickbutt then spread it around counterclockwise with the fourth finger of your left hand or all will be lost.”) …emacs is better.



As long as one of the scents isn’t “That burnt CPU smell” then I guess… nope, hard pass for me.

So you are saying their most popular scent wouldn’t be “The Smoke”?

Will it work on these?

vi forevvvveeeeerrr!!!

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I assume that they got it working with quantities small enough to not matter much; the nose is pretty sensitive to the right compounds; but ‘engineered for outgassing’ doesn’t seem like the first choice I’d make in thermal interface compound.

I huff mine for the fond childhood memories.

When I was little my dad would occasion take me in on a Saturday to his work, he was a mainframe programmer, and I would get to go into the big server room with elevated floors for cooling. That lovely scent from the Deck is the same as the aroma of a full set of server racks and tape reels churning along happily in their climate controlled room of uber-nerdiness.

At least as my brain says, from my formative youth :slight_smile:

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