Cop bravely attempts to stop mother from breastfeeding her baby

So basically what you’re saying is, prudery started about 160 million years ago? It figures.
[edit - to clarify - “No dear, we’re monotremes, not like those shameless marsupials and mammals. We don’t go showing our bits when we feed our babies.”]

Around here it basically ended around 2000 when pub culture started a rapid die-off and café culture started an equally rapid rise, because cafés with their much more female-friendly environment encourage women to bring babies and the rest follows. Nothing changes social attitudes faster than people starting to break unofficial taboos and the sky not falling in.

I am a little bit concerned at the baseball player being dated 65Mya, but the way that science keeps coming up with new evolutionary timelines is excellent from the point of view of things being interesting. When I was at school it was the general view that mammals amounted to nothing till the Great Dinosaur Die-off. We now have a far more nuanced picture in which the 65Mya event caused a change in populations, with the big dinosaurs going, the small ones and the mammals having a rapid radiation of species, and the big mammals appearing.

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