Cop punches young woman in the head for underage drinking on the beach

What Missy said; if you equate a fist with lethal force, then the immediate implication therein is the act beating someone to death, because that’s exactly what the word “lethal” literally means; “sufficient to cause death.”

You’re not making an actual case here, just talking in circles.


Right? Punching is not lethal force, guns are. And they’re heavily restricted, up here cops have to justify even unholstering let alone discharging their firearm. And we’re getting tougher when they do that too (see Const. James Forcillo) - so if punching is deadly force, then a) people are dying of being punched to death, which I’m pretty sure would make headlines and b) then fists, as deadly weapons need to be treated with the same seriousness we treat guns and tasers.

Also, I just refuse to accept that punching people in the head is acceptable behaviour, even if she did spit on him. Punching someone in the head is NOT a deescalation technique, its assault plain and simple.


I completely agree; and attempts to defend a cop beating on a woman like that, in front of a toddler are just reprehensible to me.


I hope this girl and her family sue the pants off that cop and the police department to pay for her medical bills.


I have to disagree with this. <Warning: violence ahead> Whether it be just the prolonged beating that leads to trauma, a piece of bone being driven into the brain, an unlucky rupturing of internal organs, or getting knocked down so that one’s spine hits an obstacle, <explicit violence ended> a punch can be lethal. I think the important points are



I like quoting me too.
Cuz if we’re going with “punching = death” then what we witnessed on that video was a cop attempting murder on that girl. And her parents should sue the fuck out of that cop.


Exactly. If punching counts as lethal force, then that force was way above what was “needed” in this situation (i.e., after she’s down on the ground and not a significant danger), and if not then the alleged kick doesn’t merit any force beyond what is absolutely necessary for handcuffing. But some people want it both ways.


She’s 20, so completely within her rights to sue the everloving shit out of the police. Her parents, not so much. It’s our stupid drinking age that makes it seem like she’s still her parents’ ward.


Right! I forgot! Cuz up here “underage drinking” is usually a 16yr old in a park…
Man, y’all gotta do something about that.


In general, I would be okay with this. In specific, my issue would be cops arguing that a clenched fist justifies a shooting. Especially since there would be no need to even make up evidence. And people being charged with attempted murder of a police officer, for even making a fist and shaking it in their general direction.

But any officer striking a civilian should be subject to the same paperwork and oversight as a drawn weapon, be it taser, firearm, nightstick or pepper spray. Police have great power. They need to be made to take responsibility.


Even crazier from where I’m sitting. On one side of a river, the drinking age is 21. On the other side of the river, the drinking age is 19. Just wait until LCBO becomes L&WCBO. (Or whatever the plan is, selling MJ at LCBO makes all kinds of sense to me.)


Well then they definitely will not be doing that.


We’ll also have to jail dRumph for aiding and abetting when he said he;d pay everyone’s legal bills for punching people out.


Well, it turns out that, to the extent any of that happened, it happened after the cop punched her.

Also “He then turns off the camera. When he decides to arrest her, he turns the camera back on.” They lose any credibility to talk about what happened before the film started, if the cop turned off his body camera during that time.

Crazy how there are always folks who’s first reaction is to believe these lying shits, and blame their victims.


The revolution wasn’t over the tea tax alone! And tough to know what the founders would have thought about our current society – they might wonder why black people are not kept as slaves, among other things, like what are these metallic things moving people around everywhere, how do we make light at night without using gas lamps and candles, etc.


The Chief of Police is still defending his thugs; no justice seems likely.

The problems here are systemic, not individual.


I think half of them would be upset their ideas were “stolen”.

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For certain. Some of them were anti-slavery, other embraced slavery, and others were ambivalent. Few if none probably shared my own amendment belief that the first step of the slave and their allies is to kill their master.

But I seriously doubt any of them would be okay with our kowtowing to authoritarian thugs as we now do as a society.


I don’t know — these were the elite aristos of their day. Their oversight of not putting term limits into the Constitution is largely what’s gotten us into this mess, IMHO.


From here.

Also a reminder that the whole slaveholding and native genocide thing was pretty authoritarian and thuggish.