Pension fund. I like that idea. The only downside is that generally people don’t value retirement dollars as they do present dollars.
I’d still like to see a police misconduct prevention fund; set aside the average annual amount paid out in misconduct and brutality cases, then give shares in the fund to every police officer. Pay out misconduct settlements from that fund, pay anything left over to police officers as an annual bonus. Make sure everyone knows who caused their bonus to go down,many I’m sure you’d see a drop in misconduct.
You might, or you might see more of the behavior where the desk Sargent (is there really such a thing?) is sure to discourage/make impossible the filing of any reports of misconduct. You have to be wary of perverse incentives.
Thank god it’s my Friday and I can drink whiskey and watch cartoons until I forget where I live. Also, I hope these cops spend the rest of their short sad lives in fear that someone’s going to recognize their faces.
Takes more than that, though. The finding in the OP that has no consequences comes from a civilian review board. One of the problems is the police unions, who seek to insulate officers from consequences of any sort, ever. Advocacy is understandable, but the union contracts often give cops rights civilians don’t have. That needs to stop.
Agreed, civilian review without the ability to punish is meaningless. And a prosecutors police misconduct office that is not independent from the rest of the DA is similarly feckless.
In “The Gulag Archipelago” there is a story of how the KGB would give you extra charges just for saying you were innocent-- the KGB is always right, so to say they made a mistake was counter-revolutionary agitation.
So he said he would arrest her and she calmly said “please do”. Somehow I think they’re going to have a hard time getting that resisting arrest charge to stick.
I was more talking about forcing it to be a campaign issue for the elected officials who have the power to fire these guys. Maybe even make it a campaign issue for the DA who decided not to prosecute them for false arrest.
It’s time to consider the fact that these dangerous thugs are taking over our streets and the only option if you see them on your block might be to shoot them on sight.