Cops use drug-sniffing dogs to detect abortion pills

Originally published at: Cops use drug-sniffing dogs to detect abortion pills - Boing Boing


A reminder to undecided idiots and third-party that there are indeed vast a d glaring differences between the Dem and GOP candidates, and that voting for the wrong one has consequences for everyone.


Experts question why a police dog would alert on abortion medication. One theory is unconscious “cueing” by handlers, where dogs respond to subtle human behaviors rather than actual scents.

That’s how drug-sniffing dogs work normally (e.g. when brought out for traffic stops) so I’m surprised that experts would even question it. The handler knew there were pills, so caused the dog to alert on something it wasn’t trained to detect. Though it’s clearly only a matter of time before dogs are trained to detect abortion pills, too.


Taking for granted that the K9 is sniffing for “illegal pharmaceuticals” successfully, I believe that the K9 is detecting some of the common inert ingredients that are part of the pill manufacturing for nearly all medications including most OTC items, and has nothing to do with the active ingredients.

I would love to see the K9 ability tested as a double-blind test, especially in a court room in front of the jurors. (Punchline, none of the test items were “illegal”.)


Because it is like something from The Handmaid’s Tale, because Margaret Atwood deliberately put it there as something that has happened, and will keep happening unless it is stopped.