Cornel West is running for President

Wait...did y'all just glaze over the "disband NATO" part?

I mean, all love for Dr. West, but aside from the other fiscally/constitutionally idealistic positions in that statement, disbanding the union holding back the tide of a deranged Russian dictator seems like a really bad idea


I hear you on that, but even if someone like West magically became President, the President has virtually zero real power to “fix” the electoral system, which is largely run by state and local entities. A state legislator would have more direct power to fix the system than a president. Others have said it before, but if you want to improve things in the political system starting with “step 1: elect me president!” isn’t the best plan.


I don’t know how to feel about this yet, as I don’t always agree with West (he’s way too ‘churchy’ for my tastes.)

Furthermore, I am concerned about anyone who lacks prior experience in office running for POTUS.

Oh, don’t get it twisted; this abso-fucking-lutely is a fight against fascism, not just here in the US - it’s going on all throughout the world.


Maybe you hadn’t noticed, but those so called distractions ARE KILLING PEOPLE AND FOSTERING TERRORISM

Once those are out of the way, then yeah, talk policy.


I’ve worked with Dr. West and a bunch of the organizations/movements he’s involved with.

He’s a very kind person. They’re very enthusiastic. But that is very much not their wheel house.

The portions of their little bubble that have those connections and the experience there are very much in and around Black churches and the old civil rights movement. And they are pretty god damn behind the Democratic Party.

It’s pretty well documented the Tea Party was an astro-turfed movement. Elevated by serious cash from people like the Kochs. Millions spent to have Fox News tell your grandma that career politicians and well connected militia members were “Washington Outsiders” who would solve all their problems.

And it ran exclusively through the GOP.

Again having worked with these people.

I don’t know that they have the attention span.


… of course he is

He was too young until this year :crazy_face:

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I think Dr West would prefer a decolonialist approach to the war in in Ukraine.

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There are other ways to change how existing systems work. Here’s just one example:


The cruelty is the point.

The policy makers aren’t just cold sadists, they are orchestrating our fear and division by exploiting our existing prejudices.

We aren’t going to get better by trusting the lesser evil democrat just playing his role, something has to break for a real change to happen.

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Breaking shit is easy. We’ve been watching the MAGA fascists do it for years.

Effective governing? That’s hard.


Let’s be honest: he doesn’t stand a chance in hell of getting elected. But if he can garner enough support to get on state ballots, then he might get invited to debates and oh holy hell will it be fun watching him eviscerate the other candidates.


(Sorry this is paywalled but) West’s recent article

really isn’t so great

I admit I’d like to see him at debates.


Many times breaking shit means it never gets fixed.

“This Hitler fellow will destroy Germany. When that happens people come back to embrace their true leaders, the Junkers”

“Nero will have the people so sickened with an Emperor they will beg to bring back the Republic”


It’s also a lot easier to support the “let’s just let our social institutions break so we can finally replace them with something better” approach when you aren’t one of the vulnerable groups that literally depends on the protections afforded by those institutions for their very survival.


Once again, we see loud progressives show up with their carnival to make noise about how terrible the electoral system is, without ever being willing to do the actual work of getting their people into office in enough places that a big win is possible. We have one socialist city council member that I know of in the whole country, in Seattle.
Where do people think candidates come from, the cabbage patch? My town had a referendum on ranked choice voting last election. It will likely be used in our next city council election. And making incremental changes will help the country see what works and what doesn’t.


archived link of wsj article

I’d rather not risk deSantis or Trump, or others of their ilk getting near enough to democracy to finally kill it.


I think West’s take on DeSantis’ “promotion of classical education” misses the point in a big way:

This move will likely be portrayed, wrongly, as partisan and conservative. But the greatest works of civilization have always been about spurring—not preventing—radical change. They teach us about the revolutionary ideas of the past and help us better understand the present. The richest ideas of what it means to be human are those that have stood the test of time.

No one is saying that there is no value in studying classical works of science, literature and philosophy that helped sweep in radical change in their day. What people are worried about is that DeSantis and others are effectively censoring any work that might provide similarly challenging and revolutionary ideas today.


more on the test that west is applauding

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And how many books relevant to the Classic Learning Test have been --or are soon to be-- banned in Florida classrooms? :open_book::face_with_monocle: