Coroner says two rugby players who overdosed on heroin 'did not mean to buy drug'

Much more likely: they knew they were paying for drugs, but had no idea as to the purity of the substance and/or had no familiarity with how toxic heroin can get. Heroin is probably incredibly cheap there.

Drugs are so last century.
Anyway, since we’re speculating from ignorance, I did hear, some time ago and third hand, that the young folk were doing something called “vaping”. Said the rush was terrific. I guess if you did that with an unspecified amount of heroin you’d just die. I can see one taking a hit, saying wow and then passing out and the other one taking their hit immediately afterwards. They’d have died of suffocation a little time later. Never take something unless you’re absolutely sure what it is is a hard lesson to learn. Or, in their case, easy.

I think that the confusion may be intentional, and that the coroner may be adjusting their statement for the greater public who don’t really know much about street drugs; the two may have gotten heroin spiked with fentanyl, but saying that they didn’t mean to buy fentanyl isn’t nearly the same thing as “they thought it was literally brown sugar”, which I’m pretty sure isn’t sold in tiny packets in back alleys, anywhere in the world.

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