Unfortunately, no amount of cleaning will remove the powerful and obnoxious smell of mendacity left by the previous occupant.
I’m impressed that they redecorate and clean the Oval office over the course of about 5 hours. That’s like a Trading Places montage type redecorating effort. All of Trumps tacky gold shit was gone by the time Biden was signing his first XOs.
Yes, I’d like to see figures about previous presidents.
Months back I posted here “it will take three months to decontaminate the White House”.
Initially that was about Trump’s Covid-19 infectiin, but it made a good joke.
But we can’t see if it’s true or not until we have an idea of what it costs most for most changeovers.
More like Deep State cleaning, amirite?
He may have dug a bunker into the lawn, and may use it as his spiderhole. https://www.washingtonian.com/2020/11/10/no-trump-isnt-trying-to-steal-the-white-house-lawn/
A colleague threw this one into a conversation on Wednesday - “I heard it was -45 in DC today…”
$30,000 for drapery cleaning. I KNEW IT! Trump & Co. did the old “slipping shrimp into the hems of the drapes trick!” Then you hope that your victim can’t find the source of the stench as the shrimp rot.
They should check behind the sofa cushions too …
Luckily there was a stockpile of Clorox left behind so that helps.
Amateur hour; put shrimp tails dipped in fish eggs inside the curtain rods.
I figured the replacement flooring was due to their throwing so many messy demon-invoking ritual parties.
I’d try and see how far back into the vent system you can roll Durian fruit.
More context from prior renovations:
The White House doubtless has actual plaster walls. Can’t punch through those like *&%$#@>~! drywall.
Any word on the rumor that he filled the bathtubs with kitty litter and unplugged all the refrigerators so they’d leave puddles once he was gone?
Speaking of which, was the exorcism part of the bid, or an extra line item cost?
I hope it was included - it was obviously required.
It’s worth it!