Could COVID-19 and a lack of sex be the reason why young people are protesting?

In all seriousness, because if they acknowledge that Palestinians are humans worthy of the same dignity and protections we nominally enjoy in the West, then they have to acknowledge that Israel is committing genocide and they’re supporting it. It’s in their ideological interest to find any other excuse, or at least to throw so much chaff into the air that people aren’t looking at the darker side of American foreign policy that’s being exposed here.


Netanyahu tells Biden he’s worried about possible ICC arrest warrants

Biden could, in theory, set Netenyahoo up for an arrest if he wanted to. He could end this. He could stop arms transfers…


Because the Two Minutes Hate predicted for our oppressive future is here. Turns out though that it’s been reduced to two seconds.


If it’s not this nonsense, it’s Joe Scarborough opining that professional, outside terrorists/Hamas supporters are infiltrating campuses and organizing all these protests. These assholes all think college students are morons incapable of forming their own opinions or acting on them. Maybe it’s projection. These conservatives all went to college just to get laid, so they don’t understand how these students can possibly be motivated by ethics and ideology.


I think it’s that if you can’t attack the message, you attack the messenger. And most of these people already hated intellectuals and today’s youth and anyone else who might question things.


Okay…I’m confused. I thought all of society’s ills were a direct result of pre-marital sex.
Confused Kevin James GIF by TV Land. And homosexuality of course…


There are too many to can’t their usual strategy of dismissing them outright as anti-semites so they have to come up with a new angle to explain why they’ve turned to “anti-semitism”.

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Star Trek Reaction GIF

Anything to justify the ongoing atrocities… because right wingers love them some atrocities, as long as it’s against the “right” people that they hate…

Because some people truly believe that some civilians should be killed.

The Muppets Agree GIF by ABC Network

Well, that would have been the height of the straight edge movement in punk, and many of those involved were not just anti-drugs/drinking, but anti-sex, too. QED!!! /s

Jodie Foster Oscars GIF by The Academy Awards


The Galloway-Maher interview was bizzare, they were so out of touch with the economic reality of many people.

Galloway kept saying people should choice ‘boring jobs’ because they’ll get paid. Flooding the audience with a Gish Gallop of random facts.


He’s just a damn marketing prof, who cares?

Seriously I could get my car mechanic.


Oh ffs they are still trying to tell the Millennials that they have/had too much sex and that was ruining society (gotta outlaw birth control). Now Gen Z isn’t having enough sex and it’s ruining society…

maybe this professor needs to put some better boundaries between his own sexual needs and requirements and those of his students.




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Scratch the maybe.


Yep, also “college[1] makes you out of touch with the real world[2]” has been the anti-education rallying cry of a certain political segment since AT LEAST the Reagan administration, probably going back to Nixon (I wasn’t born until Carter so going off memory here). Tie this in with sex being a privilege/tool/weapon/distraction/sin or whatever it needs to be at the time to make sure only white men of a certain religious and political persuasion and financial status are having it with white women of the same demographic when the men want it at the appropriate time to make white babies to be raised in a certain way and all other things are wrong because it goes against the narrative.

The intersection of the usual tropes is so strong here that it’s embarrassing. I say this as the weirdo who was fairly conservative in my teens and went to a really conservative college (ok more libertarian – it was a tech school, not a religious one) that was mostly male and came out way more liberal then have gone farther left in the decades since. These tropes wore thin even when they shouldn’t have and wore even thinner when I moved to the DC suburbs and kept hearing “inside the Beltway mentality” from talk radio pundits my family listened to and realized for once that… they were technically talking about thousands of my neighbors who live here and didn’t grow up in major cities on the East Coast.

It’s a dog whistle and it’s not even a good one. Booooring.

[1] Specific colleges are excluded here, namely evangelical and other strict religious schools and probably Trump University.

[2] The world as specific people who benefit the most from the status quo define it is the only one that matters.


Yes, it’s clearly the secret Jewish conspiracy (with space lasers) who are dead set against (checks notes) Israel and the Jews.

Do they even stop for a second or two to think about how mind numbingly stupid they are?


No. No, they do not.


An important part of being mind-numbingly stupid is not realizing you’re stupid.


He’s eliminated that as impossible, so now he’s working on the improbable.