Originally published at: STD epidemic in US is "out of control," say public health experts | Boing Boing
Well, duh! I would be amazed if STD cases didn’t spike after people quit taking Covid precautions.
These are increases over 2020, the year that everyone was locked away from everyone else? This is my shocked face.gif
I think you might have been wearing your mask wrong…
I feel Venn diagram of those saying “I don’t like wearing it” and “it doesn’t feel good” for masks and condoms might have some overlap.
Um… maybe we should stop treating the atrocious state of our health system as a joke? I dunno… just a thought, since some here seem to feel as if STDs should be an expected part of life that we just can’t do anything about, rather than an issue of public health that we can and should work to prevent?
There’s also a likely correlation with the attacks on Planned Parenthood and other reproductive healthcare providers in a wide swath of the country. For many people, PP are their only healthcare option for anything related to sex and family planning.
I wish people saw this stuff as important and relevant, rather than seeing it as a means of making jokes at the expense of people who are sick. Sadly, that’s not the world we live in. We live in the stupid, cruel timeline of edgelords…
Put a helmet on your soldier.
I was thinking of social distancing.

Well, duh! I would be amazed if STD cases didn’t spike after people quit taking Covid precautions.
I’m not asking where you wear your mask.
Jinx @DukeTrout!
I feel like I’ve seen the ‘everyone’s having sex now that lock down is over’ story debunked over and over the last year. Heck, every report I can find indicates that younger adults are having less sex than ever. That this is related to a post-pandemic libertine romp is a dangerous idea to put forward in a time when STDs are rising and sexual education & the associated access to related health services are declining. Let’s just call it what it is, the outcome of regressive policies.
Oh, man. That image… Brutal!
I am of the generation that was hit with “Nope, this here is herpes. This is an STD that a blast of penicillin won’t fix.” HIV fed that paranoia. Maybe we should take this shit more seriously? I mean, do you know what syphilis can do to a fetus? Or gonorrhea? And then there is, still, herpes. As a clue, it really like to eat brains…
Yeah, STI’s are not a joking matter.
Or what gonorrhea, untreated, can do to an adult. The partner of a friend of mine was sleeping around without my friend’s knowledge and shared the disease but not the diagnosis. My friend didn’t know what their mystery illness was until they ended up in the hospital. It’s not just “a case of the clap” when it can affect your heart.
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