Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/09/us-sets-new-record-for-gonorrh.html
Well, it’s becoming pretty clear that Trump is a sufferer of Untreated Tertiary Syphilis that has lodged in his brain, and we all know that a fish rots from the head.
So women are denied sex education, denied family planning, and denied health care, but at least they can be slut-shamed and tried for murder of their syphilis baby!
Good news just keeps on coming…
U S A ! U S A !! U S A !!! U S A !!?!
( BB your auto-checking bot must be a commie spy, how is the above is “not a complete sentence”? )
Though I hear that part of that uptick is old people fucking in nursing homes and retirement communities.
That abstinence-only sex education is really paying off!
Not ticks as well!
No, that kind of thing only happens in shithole countries - waitaminute…
You just HAD to go there
This is going to be blamed on immigration, just watch.
Ok. So if you are seeing a provider then you are getting screened for drugs and std at almost every visit. Many providers treat declining as a event reportable to child services. So the 94 children are On the ends of the curve. Parent Too poor / ill or intimidated to get transport or too rich and sure they are the exception to the rule. Article underreports on drug resistance. All three Std mentioned are drug and in some cases multi drug resistant. This was old news 10xyrs ago when I had my kid.
He definitely skipped the Abstinence-Only “education” era we have been in for oh these many years. Now we are reaping the whirlwind.
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