New studies show evidence of Long Covid Penis Problems

Originally published at: New studies show evidence of Long Covid Penis Problems | Boing Boing


Our squeamish libertarian fuckwit UK government, torn between both offering incentives (free Uber ride) and also threats (no nightclub entry without proof of jabs) really needs to publicise this to the rather more vaccine hesitant under-25 demographic here.

But it is a good thing the headline is not Covid Long Penis problems or else they’d all be queuing up to get the coronavirus, instead.


Now THIS type of data could motivate half of the COVID vaccine hesitant more than anything? I am imagining them thinking risk of Death - pfft - I laugh at you, risk of impotence -SIGN ME THE #$%@ up!


Meh. This isn’t going to have an effect on the vaccine refusers. If COVID makes them impotent, they’ll just buy another gun to (over) compensate.


I mentioned this to a vaccine hesitant family member over the weekend. Somehow despite knowing all the facts about why the vaccine may not be safe, this particular symptom hadn’t come up in his research. The slightly panicked look on his face when I brought it up was worth it.


I remember talking about this over a year ago, as the blindingly obvious outcome of a disease that ravages the vasculalture. But I’m not sure if anybody back then had “literally in yer dick” on their Bingo card.

I guess this means that us dudes who don’t look like porn stars down there, yet are still fully functional, are now moving up in the rankings. I would joke that it makes me wish I were still ‘on the market’ but considering what a literal nightmare everything about ‘dating’ is nowdays… I’ll count my blessings as I go wake the missus and make her some breakfast.


Not to mention that anyone with only one X chromosome has the double whammy of dealing with the up regulation that the virus does on its target receptor so every cell your body that gets the virus will produce more cells that are susceptible to it. It’s why you get all kinds of weird after effects like short term memory loss, IBS, and impotency. And some how people keep insisting this just a slightly worse cold virus.


So the article published in March 2021 is a great example of something that shouldn’t have been published. It was based on an incredibly small sample size (4 men, 2 who had Covid, 2 who didn’t) and ALL of the men already had ED that was bad enough to require surgery.

The Italian study in Andrology is a bit better, but still falls well short of clinical standards for a longitudinal study (just 100 patients, unbalanced design; not enough to really dig into potential covariates that would explain differences between treatment groups). It also doesn’t really provide a mechanisitic link to ED.

I am all for finding reasons for people to get vaccinated and wear masks, but the quality of the clinical science here is pretty low. When the science underpinning vaccines and COVID is already under attack, publishing research like this doesn’t help. People should worry about the evidence-backed risks of contracting Covid, not hypotheticals.

Also, this is a semi-reboing:


Just pointing out that impotency and erectile dysfunction are two different things. These studies are talking about ED.


Who’s down with LCPP?

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Conversely: Studies show that conservative ideology stems from Short Penis Problems.

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So true, but I thought conservatives’ response to both was to buy a(nother) gun…

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Remember to greet all your antivax relatives with “So all your racism and anger is because of covid killing your dick, isn’t it?” [chuckle] that’ll smarten up the Thanksgiving affair nicely.


Ummm, does anyone else find this graphic a little…questionable?

I think it’s the color choices.


Even if this claim is true, it’s just one of many, many other long-term symptoms:

The five most common symptoms were fatigue (58%), headache (44%), attention disorder (27%), hair loss (25%), and dyspnea (24%).

(TIL that dyspnea is difficult or labored breathing.)


Paging Dick Hurtz, Mr. Dick Hurtz to the curtesy counter.


So, you’re saying Darwin WILL have the last laugh?

(yeah, yeah, I know: ED does not necessarily mean inability to procreate…but a girl can dream)


I think in this instance it’s better to call on Mr. Richard Shrivels instead.


Sorry, can’t afford his hourly rate. Consequently the very reason I’m on Boing Boing…


Ah, that explains it! :crazy_face: :wink: